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Tag Archives: fence

broken fence Chula Vista

Fence Removal in Chula Vista


In many parts of the country, the backyard fence is a staple fixture of most suburban homes. 


Most of us remember the often hilarious scenes that took place at the backyard fence of the fictional character Tim Taylor in the popular sitcom Home Improvement with his neighbor Wilson. And throughout America, fences provide a degree of privacy while allowing us to clearly define our outdoor space.


But fences also get old, begin to sag, and – in some cases – fall over completely. 


Whether yours has gotten to that extreme or you’re simply looking to replace it before that occurs, getting rid of all the old fence materials and debris can be challenging.



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Many Homeowners Must Often Decide Whether to Remove Their Fence or Not


There are several reasons why a homeowner might have to remove an existing fence. 


Perhaps the most common reason is simply to replace it with a new fence. Traditional wood fences do not last forever, although in climates such as the one we enjoy here in Chula Vista – 61 sunny days per year! – they do tend to last a bit longer than, say, in Reno, Nevada. 


In fact, as one fencing contractor has noted


“When properly maintained — which includes replacing individual planks and boards as needed — a well-built wooden fence can last in good condition up to 20 years or more.”


When homeowners do decide to remove their old fence, there are a couple of important considerations to keep in mind. The first being the clean up afterwards. 


For fence removal, Chula Vista residents have to figure out what they’re going to do with all the old fence boards, gates, hardware, old concrete footings, and other debris. This is not a waste disposal task that will be solved with a residential waste bin.


In addition, installing a new fence brings up issues such as permits and height restrictions for residents with the city limits of Chula Vista.


Another consideration is who’s going to do all the work?


Taking down and dismantling your old fence is something most homeowners are most likely capable of managing on their own, or with the help of a friend or family member. Installing a new, replacement fence? Maybe not so much.


The Best Way to Remove an Old Fence


Before a homeowner can go about hiring a contractor to build a new fence or, in some cases, simply install new fence panels, the old fence will have to be removed. 


Doing this part of the job yourself will not only save you a great deal of money on labor but can also save you money on old fence disposal. However, a question most homeowners might ask at this point is,

“What is the best way to remove old wood fence panels and other components?”


Part of the answer rests on what type of fence one has. 


More than likely, you’ll have a traditional wooden fence composed of typical, eight-foot long panels of pickets mounted to backer rails on wood posts. Others may have chain-link fences, although this is not as common, especially in backyards. 


yard waste removal guide


To remove an old wood fence, start with the vertical boards, or pickets.


  • Use a hammer to knock each board away from the frame, or backer rails.
  • Next, use the claw end to remove the nails.
  • Then, stack the boards in neat piles ready to haul away.


Next, you will need to tackle the posts and, most likely, the cement footings.


The trick with fence posts is to find a safe way to lift them up and away from the ground. But they are installed to stay in the ground and withstand side-to-side motion. One relatively easy method is offered by the folks at Family Handyman magazine’s website,


“Screw a piece of scrap 2×4 to the post a couple of inches from the ground, put a landscape timber alongside as a fulcrum, and use a long metal bar as a lever. Just stand on the bar, and the post and concrete footing will usually pop right out of the ground.”


Once you’ve managed to remove and stack up all the fence boards, posts, concrete footings, and assorted hardware, you can move forward with installing your new fence.


Removing a Metal or Chain Link Fence: A Step-by-Step Guide


If your residence happens to have a metal fence in the back or side yards, you may wonder if it is possible for you to remove metal fence materials yourself.


The good news is that, with the right tools and proper gloves, most anyone can successfully remove chain link fence components, including those steel posts. Here is a simple checklist to guide you through the process should you decide to do it yourself.


Step 1: Remove clamps from a corner post

  • The chain link fencing is typically attached to the fence post with brackets fastened with a nut and bolt. Loosen the bolts and remove the brackets.


Step 2: Cut the fence ties and detach the chain link

  • Using a small bolt cutter or wire cutter, cut the wire fence ties or metal strapping that holds the chain link fencing to the top rail, then bend the wire ties back.
  • Try to cut the fence into sections every 15 to 20 feet to make removal and disposal easier.
  • At corners, there may be a cap attached to the top rail. Remove the nut and bolt holding them in place. After removing the cap, the rail can be twisted apart.


Step 3: Remove the fence posts

  • If the posts are set in concrete in dirt, the process for removal will be similar to that for wooden fence posts. 
  • If they are mounted in a concrete or asphalt surface, then cutting the posts flush with the ground using a grinder wheel, reciprocating saw, or a hacksaw may be necessary. 



Finishing Up the Removal Process: Getting Rid of the Debris


When it comes to removing ugly chain link fences and old, rotting wood fences, the end result is pretty much the same: you’ll have stacks and piles of old fencing materials that you need to get rid of. 


For most homeowners in Chula Vista, before they can get to the work of installing new wood fences this debris will need to be loaded up, hauled away, and properly disposed of. And, unlike taking down an old fence, this is not a suitable DIY job unless you have a suitable vehicle.


And do you really want to take the time to do all the heavy lifting and hauling?


Besides, most Chula Vista residents, despite their best intentions, would likely be hard-pressed to know where to take that type of junk material anyway.


The good news is that you don’t have to!


A quick call to Junk King San Diego Downtown will take care of all your old fence removal needs and concerns. Not only will we take your old fence debris to the right place and ensure that it’s all disposed of properly, but we’ll also do all the heavy lifting.


All it takes is one appointment and you simply point to where it is once we get there.


Junk King is a totally green junk removal operation and our junk hauling crews work to recycle as much of the material we haul away as possible. In fact, we recycle and reuse up to 60 percent of everything we haul away from every job, including old fence removal debris.


On top of that, you will always get prompt, courteous, and eco-friendly junk removal and disposal service when you bring in Junk King San Diego Downtown.



For Green Fence Debris Removal, Junk King San Diego Downtown is the Way to Go




At Junk King, we understand that although almost all junk items are recyclable, not everything can go to a recycler. Fortunately, just about any type of old fence material is something that can be recycled by the right facility. 


So, let the pros at Junk King San Diego Downtown take care of the sorting and proper disposal of your old fence materials and other yard waste items. And, when you partner with Junk King San Diego Downtown, you’re helping keep Chula Vista green.


As your local Junk King professionals, we are dedicated to delivering outstanding service to our residential neighbors and businesses who live and work in and around Chula Vista.


Our professional and insured junk removal team will show up at your home and we’ll call 15 to 30 minutes before we arrive. Once we’re there, we’ll give you a free, no-obligation estimate based on how much space your old fencing material and other junk takes up in our truck.



Free Junk Removal Price Estimator


You simply point, and we’ll load your unwanted items and haul them away quickly and efficiently. And we do it all without any hidden fees!


Just book an appointment online above or give us a call at 1.888.888.JUNK (5865).


A Fence Take Down Is No Problem For Junk King

Anytime you call in a service professional and present them with a repair situation they will most likely say, “no problem.” At least, that is what they say over the phone. Once they get out to your house and assess the situation, they might discover that it actually is a problem. That is why it’s important to hire a company that has a solid reputation for problem-solving. In the area of junk hauling and rubbish removal, junk King San Diego Downtown has proven time and again that hauling away unwanted debris from a property is never a problem. The proof of that can be found in all the positive comments that are posted by satisfied customers. There is in a challenge that you can present to the team from Junk King that they haven’t already met. Consider the issue of a fence take down. This is obviously a job that requires experience and a big truck. That is exactly what you get what you hire Junk King.

Sizing It Up

The first thing that the Junk King crew does when they approach a new job is to size it up. On something simple as removing a piece of furniture they need to make sure that they’ll be able to safely carry that down the hallway or steps without knocking into something. Chances are, that sofa was brought into your house when it was empty but now the moving crew from Junk King has to be aware of the wall and other furniture items in the path. For a fence take down, the crew will have to assess the best approach for bringing down the structure that won’t disturb the yard. It might be as easy as pulling up a few posts and removing some planks. A chain-link fence could literally be rolled up once it is removed from the frame.

The Junk King crews will figure out the best way to tackle this job. In doing so, they will also be figuring out how all that debris will fit on to the back of the truck. This will be how they determine your final fee. All the work, loading and disposal will be included in that fee. It is a price you are sure to be very happy considering the scope of the project.

When Junk King San Diego Downtown tells you that taking down an old fence is no problem, you can believe it. Put them to work today.

Junk King San Diego Downtown
121 Broadway, Suite 357
San Diego, CA 92101
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-4P, Su: 10A-3P

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