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Tag Archives: columbus office

Columbus Office Junk Removal

Is your Columbus-based business or office filled with useless clutter? There could be storage spaces right on your office floor that are filled to the rafters with garbage that needs to be tossed. Instead of asking your employees to do something that might not be in their job requirements, why not call in a professional Columbus office junk removal company? They’ll be able to quickly assess your situation and arrange to swiftly haul off any amount of designated junk. Then you can get back to work!

We all know where the office junk is. It could be a storage closet at the end of the hallway or a room in the parking garage. The simple fact is, that just like in your personal life, a company can’t exist without collecting a certain amount of junk. This junk can come in the form of outdated computer monitors or PC towers and old files. It could also mean some unused office furniture that will never make it back out onto the floor. Basically, your company is paying for office space to keep junk. Of course it might not be your call to make but why not take initiative? You could impress the bosses by suggesting a Columbus office junk removal company to show up and get rid off all that waste.

Even if you decide to take the bull by the horns and handle the junk removal project, you won’t be doing it alone when you bring in a professional team of haulers.  The professionals would first come to provide you with a free on site estimate based on how much space the office junk fills in their truck. You certainly don’t want any surprises when it comes to presenting a bill to upper management. Once the terms are agreed upon you can then arrange for the actual haul day. This can be done on your terms so as not to disrupt the work day. Whether it is after hours or on the weekend, the Columbus junk removal company should accommodate you and not the other way around.

Another benefit that comes with bringing a qualified Columbus junk removal company is finding one that has gone green. This is extremely important if you have any electronic gear that you’ll be getting rid of. These pieces of office equipment can and should be recycled at the proper facility. When it comes to electronics, there is the potential for hazardous materials being released in their destruction which is why you want them handled properly by an experienced junk removal crew. Once all that office junk is gone, you’ll be able to utilize your space more efficiently. Isn’t that what business should be all about: efficiency? Get on track by getting rid of your junk!

Junk King Columbus provides the fastest and greenest junk removal services in the Ohio area.  Feel free to book your free on site estimate online, or call 1-800-995-JUNK for more information.

Junk King Columbus
819 Phillipi Road
Columbus, OH 43228
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-6P

Providing junk removal services to the Columbus area, including:

Buckeye Lake
Canal Winchester
Carbon Hill
Grove City
and these nearby zip codes:
43002, 43008, 43016, 43017, 43026, 43029, 43033, 43085, 43101, 43109, 43110, 43111, 43119, 43123, 43125, 43126, 43127, 43137, 43194, 43195, 43199, 43201, 43202, 43203, 43204, 43205, 43206, 43207, 43209, 43210, 43211, 43212, 43213, 43214, 43215, 43216, 43217, 43218, 43219, 43220, 43221, 43222, 43223, 43224, 43226, 43227, 43228, 43229, 43232, 43234, 43235, 43236, 43251, 43260, 43265, 43266, 43268, 43270, 43271, 43272, 43279, 43287, 43291, 43915