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Tag Archives: clutter

Clear Out The Last Of Your Holiday Clutter With Help From Junk King Phoenix

It was not long ago when the Christmas lights or twinkling and the stockings were hung with care. Now all of those items are packed up and put into storage. But there could still be some lingering clutter left over from the holidays. You could have all kinds of old toys, clothing and appliances that were upgraded over the holidays. The issue then becomes do you need to hold onto all of that old stuff? If the answer is “no,” then one call to Junk King Phoenix can make it all disappear.


Junk King Phoenix is part of a nationwide chain of professional junk haulers who have been in this line of work for over 10 years. In that time, they have literally collected tons of junk from homes, apartments and businesses. How much of that junk ended up in landfills? You might be surprised to find out that just 40% of what is collected by Junk King over the years goes to a dump. The remaining 60% is donated to charities or dropped off at recycling centers. This has been part of Junk King’s operating philosophy from the very beginning. That means here in Phoenix, Junk King is a business that is leading the way when it comes to recycling items that don’t go into the standard recycling bin.

All of this should make you feel good about getting rid of your stuff. Just because you don’t fit in the clothes you’re giving away or will be reading the books anymore doesn’t mean they will end up on a trash heap. That’s a good thing. Hiring Junk King Phoenix also means you don’t have to concern yourself with how heavy something is. You’re not could be the one moving it. Instead, it will be the two-man crew assigned to your task. As far as they’re concerned, you can get rid of anything from a piano to a hot tub. Junk King Phoenix has handled both of those and a whole lot more!

As soon as all that clutter is cleared from your home you can make much better use of that space. Think about all the clutter in your home. Now think about it all gone. Junk King Phoenix can make it happen.


Get Rid Of The Business Clutter

First impressions matter a lot in business. How you present yourself to a customer will either instill them with confidence or have them searching for another company to do business with. That all starts with what they see when they walk into your office or storefront. If that area is full of clutter, then what are you showing your customer? There could be a lot of reasons why you haven’t been able to remove old office furniture or equipment but when it starts hurting your business then it’s time to spring into action. All of that clutter can be hauled away in a single session with one call to Junk King Phoenix.


Getting rid of stuff from your business is no different from getting rid of stuff from your home. You’re still going to be assigned a very capable two-man moving crew who will be doing all the lifting and loading. This is the team that has a lot of experience working in business areas whether that’s an office, retail store or warehouse. Junk King Phoenix wants to get in and out without causing any disruption to your company. It might work best to have the crew show up after you’ve closed and that can certainly be arranged.

Just as with a junk removal session in your home you have to make that final decision as to what you want to get rid of. It may be easy to pick out the big stuff like old desks, computers, monitors and other office equipment. But since you’re hiring a crew with a big truck is no reason why you can get rid of all your unwanted clutter including old files or promotional materials you never going to use again.

Junk King has been dedicated to an eco-friendly disposal policy since they began collecting trash over 10 years ago. In that time, they managed to maintain a very respectable 60% diversion rate. That translates into tons of rubbish being kept out of landfills. All of this means that you can reduce your company’s carbon footprint by hiring Junk King Phoenix. There is nothing wrong with boasting that you’re a green company! Your customers will appreciate a clutter free business and Junk King Phoenix can make that happen ASAP!

Is Your Kid Ready To Make The Bedroom Switch? Then Bring In Junk King Phoenix

The first time you makeover your child’s bedroom, you get the call the shots. This is the transition between the crib and their first bed. A few years later, that same kid will be asking for another bedroom makeover. That often happens as they head into high school and want to pack up all their “childish” things. Either one of those scenarios could involve a lot of moving out of furniture and other unwanted clutter. This is a perfect job for Junk King Phoenix. These are the junk removal experts that specialize in clearing out the clutter.


You might not think you need to be an expert to remove junk. However, Junk King Phoenix takes this kind of service very seriously. That starts with hiring workers who are only able to be license, bonded and insured. If a worker can’t meet those certifications, then they can’t work for Junk King Phoenix.

Even though they are serious about junk removal that doesn’t mean they aren’t friendly. Past Junk King customers appreciate how courteous the crews are and how they approach every situation without hesitation. Just because you can’t move something out of your house doesn’t mean the Junk King crew won’t be able to. That also includes carrying something up and down stairs. When Junk King Phoenix says they do all the work they mean that quite literally.

Hiring Junk King Phoenix to help remove the clutter from your child’s bedroom is a great opportunity to toss out things like an old TV or computer. That e-waste can’t be thrown in the trash but instead has to be dropped off at a certified recycling center. Junk King Phoenix can totally make that happen.

All that hard work that the crew does removing the clutter from the inside of your home can extend to the outside as well. You can also ask them to take away any rubbish or debris from your backyard. Junk King Phoenix crews have done their fair share of removing branches, plants and even the occasional cactus! Is Your Kid Ready To Make The Bedroom Switch? Then Bring In Junk King Phoenix

Convert Your Garage Into A Home Theater

Thanks to the abundance of online streaming movies and television shows, you really don’t need to go to the movies anymore. That doesn’t mean you can’t be without the movie going experience. Many homeowners have dedicated a space in their home to create the perfect home screening room. All this requires is a great sound and picture system along with some comfy chairs. It also helps if the space can be completely dark. A terrific spot in your home that can be converted into a screening room is your garage. One quick glance at Pinterest will show you all the possibilities. Before you get started, your first call should be to Junk King Phoenix. This is the team that will be able to clear out all the clutter and rubbish from your garage to make way for your movie theater.


A garage is a common place to put everything you can’t throw out in the garbage. This is where all the old computers, televisions, printers and monitors and up. It’s also where winter clothes that have been out grown and broken sporting equipment end up. As you go through these things, you might wonder why you’ve held onto them for so long. Thanks to the dedicated team from Junk King Phoenix you won’t have to keep them any longer. In fact, if you know exactly what you want to get rid of, then you might even have the advantage of a same-day pickup. You can call Junk King Phoenix at breakfast time and have all your junk gone before dinner.

Everything collected by Junk King Phoenix will have the opportunity to be repurposed. That means your stuff could be dropped off at a local charity thrift store. Not only will your items benefit a family in need but they could also help keep other people employed refurbishing them. It’s a perfect “circle of life” moment!

The cost for all this junk clearing is surprisingly affordable. Your flat fee that covers everything will be based upon how tightly the Junk King crew can pack up the truck with all your stuff. It’s all about volume. Get started on converting your garage into a screening room with a call to Junk King Phoenix today.

Don’t Be Embarrassed By Your Junk

Are you embarrassed by the way your lawn looks? Perhaps the unrelenting sun has caused your once lush green grass to go brown. Maybe the outside of your house could stand with the power washing. Of course, a few batches of blooming flowers can go a long way towards improving your curb appeal. These are the kinds of DIY projects that can help restore the luster to the exterior of your home. You shouldn’t have to be embarrassed by where you live.

What about the inside of your home? Is there anything that you’re embarrassed about in there? Maybe you’re surrounded by a lot of clutter could do without. Whether that stuff is crammed into your closets or piled up in your garage, it can certainly be an embarrassment if anyone were to see it. Instead of living with that why not turn it over to Junk King Phoenix? One call to these junk removal professionals and you’ll never have to be embarrassed by your junk again!


It doesn’t matter whether you’re going to fill up the entire Junk King truck or just use half of it. The two-man moving crew assigned to your junk removal task just wants to make sure everything you want to get rid of can be gone in a single appointment. You shouldn’t be embarrassed by asking that crew to do any heavy lifting. That is what you hire them for. They’ve also been trained in the proper techniques of moving bulky objects. Just because you want to get rid of a piano or pool table doesn’t mean they can handle the job. This is what they do all day long!

Also included in the complete junk King Phoenix package is the responsible disposal of all the things they collect from your home. Junk King Phoenix has set up working partnerships with many certified recycling centers and charitable organizations. They know exactly what these groups are looking for on any given day. If they find something in the stuff you’re throwing out that can benefit these groups, then they’ll make sure it gets to them. Nothing goes to waste! When you put Junk King Phoenix on the job your home will be decluttered in a flash!

Make Home Organization A Priority

“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” Whoever came up with that sage piece of advice probably had someone coming over to clean their home. When it comes to cleaning, we all tend to put off until tomorrow what should be done today. That could mean having dirty dishes in the sink or load of laundry in the washer for a day longer than it should be. The worst-case scenario would find that your home has become overrun with clutter. When you reach that critical mass then it’s time to bring in Junk King Phoenix. These are the junk removal pros that can make organizing your home a priority.


Some people put off hiring a company like Junk King Phoenix because they are embarrassed about the amount of rubbish they need to get rid of. You should never feel that way. The crews working for Junk King Phoenix are always respectful and courteous. They’ve also seen all levels of junk piles. They’ve cleared out abandoned lots, foreclosed homes and even those extreme hoarding situations made popular on reality television. There isn’t anything or any level of junk that you’re throwing out that would surprise these crews!

The goal of Junk King Phoenix is to make sure that everything you want taken away can be removed in a single appointment. Sometimes that might require additional crews and trucks. That can easily be arranged as long as you give Junk King Phoenix a little heads up. When you set up your appointment though ask you just how much you’re getting rid of. They know who to send over if you say, “Just clearing out the garage” or “handling and estate clean out.”

Best of all you won’t be charged for the use of an extra truck or additional crew time. That’s because Junk King Phoenix only charges a flat rate based upon how those crews are going to pack up the truck. If they can get everything crammed into one third of the truck space than that is what you pay. Since they like to get those trucks full, you can depend of those kinds of tight packing situations for your job. The quickest way to get organized is to clear the clutter and that can happen with one call to Junk King Phoenix.

Get Your Spare Room Ready For Travelers

There are many advantages to living in Phoenix. Besides all the amazing outdoor vistas, great restaurants and friendly neighbors it is also a place that is a popular destination for travelers. The tourism industry is as steady boost to the local economy. You can carve out your own slice of that pie. That doesn’t mean opening up a museum or restaurant. Instead, all you need to do is make your spare room available for travelers.


There is a growing industry surrounded around homeowners providing guest rooms for tourists. You can make the determination how many people you want staying in that room and for how long. You also get to set a price per night. That can mean bringing in a lot of extra cash with very little effort. Before you get ready for your first visitor, you’ll want to bring in Junk King Phoenix to clear out the clutter.

A spare room in a home is often a great selling feature but typically it becomes a wasted space if it’s not in constant use. This is the room where you end up storing boxes, old furniture and outdated television sets. With one call to junk King Phoenix, all those unwanted items can be cleared away. Then you set up a bed, dresser and some fresh flowers and you got a room that out of town visitors would be put willing to pay a decent price for. You can ask for even more if your home is close to one of the many attractions around the Phoenix area. Best of all, the websites that you’ll use for these potential renters make it easy to get paid.

As long as you’re hiring Junk King Phoenix to clear out that spare room you might as well put them to work around the rest of the house. Take full advantage of the two-man moving crew and huge truck to clear out the clutter from your closets and garage. It’s a great way to start the summer with a home that is free of clutter. Are you ready to turn your spare room into a moneymaker? Then you’re ready to bring in Junk King Phoenix.

Find More Storage Space In Your Home

Are you the type of person who loses things around your own home? You’re certainly not alone. Everyone has experienced a frantic “search for the keys” at least once a month! Other things have a habit of coming into the home and simply disappearing. And were not even talking about the television remote! Then there all those things you remember put into storage but when it comes time to finding them your search could go on for hours. There is a much better way to organize all the things you’re holding onto but to get there you first have to remove all the clutter. If it turns out that you only have a box or two to toss out, then you can probably get rid of that in your weekly garbage pickup. However, when you start crossing over into the “junk zone” then you’re going to need the kind to help that Junk King Phoenix can provide.


That “help” will come in the form of a pair of strong movers. This is the team who you’re going to show all your unwanted stuff to and they’re going to pick it up right from the spot. All that junk is going to go on the back of the Junk King Phoenix truck that will be big enough to hold whatever you’re throwing out. It’s a very simple process once you involve Junk King!

Once all that junk and clutter is cleared from your home you’ll be able to better organize your closets, garage and basement. That will make a world of difference the next time you need to go look for something like your holiday decorations or winter clothing.

Everything collected by junk King will get a chance to have a second lease on life. That’s because Junk King would much rather drop off your stuff at a charity then dump it into a landfill. Those drops offs can help the charity and our environment. That type of service happens automatically and is included in the flat fee that Junk King will charge for the removal. That fee will be determined by how tightly the crew will pack up the truck with all your stuff. You’ll know that estimate before the work even begins. For an efficient and affordable way to open up storage space in your home nothing beats Junk King Phoenix.

Start Your Backyard Makeover Today

What are your big plans for the summer? If you’re staying close to home, then you’ll want to make the most of your backyard. Whether that means a lot more grilling or simply just chilling, you want to create a comfortable oasis. That might include a hammock or cozy chaise lounge. To help get your backyard ready, you should bring in the junk removal pros from Junk King Phoenix. Don’t let the word “junk” in their name throw you off. If you want something gone, no matter where it is, the team from Junk King can make it vanish!

There could be a lot of things around your backyard that have overstayed their welcome. Obvious thinks like patio furniture that has seen better days or a lawnmower that no longer works can easily be loaded onto the Junk King truck. But you don’t have to stop there. The Junk King crew can also collect busted planters, mounds of dirt and any amount of stones and rocks. When they say they’re going to help with your backyard makeover, Junk King really means it!


Often, clearing out debris from a backyard can result in the removal of some extremely heavy items. Although there is a weight restriction with your municipal trash pickup, there are no such limits with Junk King. They’ll remove anything regardless of weight. Best off all, you won’t be charged by the pound. Instead, Junk King charges a flat rate that is only based on how tightly they can pack your stuff onto the truck. It is all about volume with Junk King and that is the best pricing approach for this type of service.

Along with all the yard waste removal, you can also tap the Junk King crew to clean out the clutter from the rest of your home. That might be mean having the crew stick around a bit longer but remember, you won’t be charged any extra for the labor. It’s a great opportunity to finally toss out all the rubbish stacked up in your garage and all those unwanted things in your closet. Start with a backyard clean up and end with a home that is totally junk free all thanks to Junk King Phoenix.

Get Rid Of Unwanted Clutter Today

Do you remember the exact day you brought every item into your home? We’re not just talking about the day you moved in but everything that has come in since then. Everything that comes into your home once had a purpose. However, over the years those things could have been broken, worn out or simply replace. There are also the things you put into storage and forget you even have. Too often, we are forced to hang onto all of that clutter because we don’t have the means to get rid of it. All of that changed once Junk King rolled into town! These are the professional junk haulers who never met a pile of clutter they couldn’t get rid of.


With just four weeks into the New Year, Junk King has been keeping very busy. They’ve also made some very happy customers.

“These guys came on time, they were efficient and they took some pretty heavy items from my upstairs loft. They were pleasant and professional and were well worth the price. I would hire them again.” – Cheryl White

This is a perfect example of what you want to hire Junk King. If it took two movers to bring something into your home, then it is going to take two movers to bring it back out again. The teams working for Junk King have a lot of experience when it comes to moving heavy objects and navigating them down stairs. It won’t be a problem!

“The service was prompt, courteous and efficient. I appreciate the pickup.” – D.S., Mesa.

Once you’ve made the decision to get rid of something, you’ll want it gone as quickly as possible. Most Junk King appointments are completed within 24-hours of that first contact. Junk King asks that you set aside two hours for the job. This can happen early in the morning, late in the afternoon or on the weekend. Whatever works best for your time.

“The drivers were prompt, professional and did a very good job of getting the furniture out of the house.” – M.B., Phoenix.

All the crews working for Junk King are licensed and insured. That makes them 100% professional. Not only can they get old furniture out of the house but they can also get yard waste out of the yard!

Junk King Phoenix
2115 W. Shangri-La Rd Suite 6
Phoenix, AZ 85029
Hours: M-F: 7A-5P, Sa: 7A-4P, Su: 7A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Phoenix area, including:

Cave Creek
Fountain Hills
New River
Paradise Valley
Rio Verde
and these nearby zip codes:
85011, 85012, 85014, 85016, 85018, 85020, 85021, 85022, 85023, 85024, 85026, 85028, 85032, 85036, 85046, 85050, 85054, 85060, 85064, 85068, 85069, 85078, 85083, 85085, 85086, 85087, 85250, 85251, 85252, 85253, 85254, 85255, 85256, 85258, 85259, 85260, 85261, 85262, 85263, 85266, 85267, 85268, 85269, 85327, 85331, 85377, 85388