Junk King North Atlanta

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Author Archives: Harry Van Buren

Is Your Kid Ready For A Makeover In Their Bedroom?

The first sign that your child is ready for makeover in their bedroom would be when they start locking the door. Of course, this is not an option. But you can certainly appreciate their newfound desire for privacy. It’s also around this time when some of the stuffed animals get boxed away and the request is made to replace the “character” sheets with something that looks a little bit cooler. Yes, your child is growing up and they’re going to want a new bedroom. In order to help make that happen, you should reach out to Junk King Atlanta. These are the junk removal pros that can clear out all the clutter from a bedroom in no time at all.


The biggest challenge with providing a makeover for your child’s bedroom is to get them to focus on what they really want. That starts with boxing up and removing all the stuff that’s not going to be used again. There could be a lot of clothing, shoes, toys, books and other items that might be better served if taken out of the house. Yes, you might want to hold on to a few those things for keepsakes but you don’t have to keep anything. When you hire Junk King Atlanta for the removal, you also don’t have to worry about those things going to waste.

Junk King Atlanta has set up working partnerships with many charitable organizations. These are the groups that either operate a thrift store to benefit their charity or donate items directly to families in need. Either way all your unwanted stuff could get a new lease on life. Not only is this a good for those families but its also good for the environment around Atlanta. Anytime Junk King can avoid going to a landfill is what they consider a good day.

Although the focus of your session is to get your child’s bedroom straightened out, there is no reason why you can’t put junk King to work around the rest of your house. You will have the movers and the truck so why not declutter everywhere? Clearing out the rubbish from your child’s bedroom is the perfect excuse to turn your home into a junk free zone all thanks to Junk King Atlanta.

Convert Your Garage Into A Family Playroom

The purpose of any two-car garage is to put two cars in there. However, that’s not always practical. It might make more sense to have your cars parked in the driveway for better access. It might also be that your garage is too full of other storage items to allow a car to squeeze in there. On the other hand, you might decide that your garage could be put to better use with a different purpose. Putting down some linoleum, hanging some drywall and extending the heating and cooling could turn that area into a safe family playroom. It’s perfect if you’re doing laundry and the kids can be playing right in front of you. Of course, you don’t want them exploring through all that clutter! That’s why you want to hire Junk King Atlanta. These are the junk removal pros that can make sure that garage is clear of clutter in a single junk removal session.

Luogo_distilleriaThere are some homeowners who have turned their garages into storage lockers. There’s so much junk in there that if the doors were to open everything would come tumbling out! Even with a decent amount of clutter you’ll still have to devote the time to sorting through all that stuff before your two-man Junk King crew arrives. Their goal is always to get in and out as quickly as possible so that you can get back to your busy day. The job will go a lot smoother if all you have to do is point to the things you want to get rid of. The Junk King team will pick it right up from the spot matter how heavy or bulky they might be.

In addition to clearing out all that unwanted stuff from your garage, that same crew from Junk King can also work all kinds of magic around the rest of your home. That also includes clearing away yard debris from the backyard. Imagine what your home will look like when all those eyesore items are taken away. It will be just like when you first moved in!

Setting up your junk removal session with Junk King Atlanta is as easy as making a few clicks with your computer mouse. If you want to get the most out of your garage and the rest of your home then hire Junk King Atlanta to haul away all the clutter.

Don’t Waste Your Long Weekend. Hire Pros To Haul Your Junk

Did you enjoy your last long weekend off from work? Was grilling on the agenda? Maybe you spent it at the movies. Or could be that sleeping in was all you needed to do to recharge the batteries. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy the two remaining long holiday weekends of the summer. To ensure that can happen, you’ll want to clear your “to do list” of any outstanding chores. That is where a company like Junk King Atlanta can be a huge help. These are the junk removal professionals who will make short work out of clearing your home of all your unwanted rubbish.


You might not like to admit that you’re living with a lot of junk. However, the moment something has become broken beyond repair, is worn out or you’re simply done using it then it becomes junk. There is nothing wrong with categorizing items in your home as junk. What is wrong is having to live with all that junk when it is so easy to get rid of with one call to Junk King Atlanta.

Junk King Atlanta is part of a nationwide chain of professional junk haulers who have been helping businesses and homeowners clear out rubbish for over 10 years. The best part about hiring Junk King Atlanta is that they do all the work. That’s not just a clever slogan. It’s actually the way they operate. Every session is staffed by two very capable movers. This is the team who is fully licensed, bonded and insured. There are not many junk haulers who can claim to be as certifiably professional as Junk King Atlanta.

Junk King Atlanta also provides a truck big enough to haul whatever you want to toss out. How much space your junk will take up on the truck will determine what you pay. This is an estimate that will be provided to you before the work starts. Once you’ve shown the junk King crew all the things you want removed they’ll be able to provide you with that fee. Because they like to keep their trucks packed up tight, you can be sure that you’ll score the low end of the pricing scale for your job. Having a home that is totally free of junk and clutter is just a phone call away to Junk King Atlanta.

Have Fun This Summer But First Get Rid Of Your Junk

If you wanted to you could find something new to do every single weekend this summer here in Atlanta. Along with all the baseball games and music festivals there is also a long list of outdoor movie screenings, expos and conventions that will be making their way through the Atlanta area. Highlights include the Tomato Festival, the Bicycle Expo and everybody’s favorite Ice Cream Festival. These summer events will certainly keep you busy and is all the more reason to take care of all those nagging household chores before summer kicks in the high gear. This is when you want to bring in Junk King Atlanta. These are the junk removal pros that can do amazing things when it comes to getting rid of your junk.


The last thing you probably want to do this summer is any hard work. That is definitely what Junk King Atlanta is all about. They’ll provide you with a very capable two-man moving crew who is going to do all the actual lifting and loading of your old junk. It doesn’t matter how heavy something is or how bulky it might be. If you want it gone, then you just have to tell the Junk King crew. Recently these teams have taken away things like upright pianos, pool tables, treadmills, bedroom furniture and all kinds of kitchen appliances. They can certainly handle whatever you’re throwing out!

Once that Junk King crew is finished taking out all the things from the inside of your home you can have them set their sights on your backyard. This is a great opportunity to clear all the yard waste from your yard so that you’re ready to have fun in the sun and by the grill.

The cost for all this amazing work is surprisingly affordable. The work crew, the truck, transportation, and any dumping charges will all be covered in a single flat fee. That flat fee will be based on how tightly the Junk King crew can pack up your stuff on the back of their truck. The smaller the space the lower the bill! Kick off your summer with a junk removal session from Junk King Atlanta. You’ll be glad you did!

How To Start Your Home Organizing

Many people voice a desire to get organized both at their job and around the home. They know this is crucial with regard to time management at the office. Around the house be an organized allows you to live in the clutter free environment and find the stuff you’re looking for when you need it. Nothing is more frustrated than wasting time looking for a pair of shoes or even your keys that have somehow gotten lost in all the clutter.

Once you’ve assigned a place for every object in your home then it’s not an effort to stay organized. Organization experts often recommend things like decorative baskets or plastic storage bins to help contain the various loose items you have floating around your home. Taking care of the little stuff is easy it’s when you need to remove significant amounts of clutter that you’ll need some help. That can come from the dedicated teams provided by Junk King Atlanta. These are the junk removal pros that can help power up your home organizing.


To get truly organize you have to clear out all the rubbish first. If you were to tackle this project throughout your entire home, you might soon discover that you’ve got more things to throw out than can fit in your weekly garbage can pick up. All that stuff can be turned over to Junk King Atlanta. You don’t even have to bring it down to the curb. You’re hiring that Junk King team to do all the work for you and that includes lifting, loading and climbing stairs.

Before the team begins to do that loading, they’re going to size up all the things you want to get rid of. This is how they’ll determine what your final fee will be. That will be based on an estimate of how much space your junk will take up on the back of the truck. You’ll be presented with this estimate before the work starts and there won’t be any surprise charges where the job is done. Don’t hesitate to shop around. Junk King Atlanta is confident that they are offering a great deal for this type of service. Start organizing your home the right way with a call to Junk King Atlanta.

Are You Ready For Grilling Season This Summer?

The next best thing to smelling steaks cooking on an open grill is to be the one that will dig into those juicy cuts of meat. Suppose it is your neighbor who is doing the grilling? You could still become inspired to fire up your own barbecue for a tasty summer dinner. Even cooking a hot dog on a grill makes it taste a whole lot better. Although your grill might be ready for summer, you need to take a hard look around the rest of your backyard to see if that is ready, too. If you find yourself in need of some serious backyard clearing, then Junk King Atlanta is the company to call on.


There could be all kinds of things in your yard that you want cleared away. These are all those eyesore items that can’t be tossed out in your weekly garbage pickup. It could also be that some of these objects are extremely heavy or have to be taken apart first. That is where Junk King Atlanta comes into play. They will provide a hard-working two-man moving crew that is going to do all the lifting, loading and dismantling of anything you want removed from your yard.

In the past, the crews from Junk King Atlanta have been asked to take care of a wide variety of yard cleanup tasks. They’ve taken apart swing sets, remove sandboxes, dismantled above ground swimming pools, pulled down dilapidated woodsheds and even hauled away an entire hot tub. Obviously, they can handle whatever it is you want to get rid of. If you’re planning on doing some extensive landscaping, then Junk King can help by first clearing away all the sod, dirt or rocks. And if you’re taking apart a deck or patio, then you’ll want to make sure all that construction debris can be safely removed in a single appointment. Junk King can handle it all from start to finish.

Along with all the help they’re going to provide with your backyard the team from Junk King can also load up all the clutter from inside your house on the same appointment. Their truck will be big enough to hold whatever you want to throw away! Start your summer right with some junk clearing provided by Junk King Atlanta.

Power Up Your Backyard Makeover

What kind of shape is your backyard in? Would it ever make the cover of Better Homes & Gardens? Maybe you don’t need to go that extreme with your landscaping but that doesn’t mean you can create a comfortable place for family and friends to hang out in the coming summer months. To get your backyard ready you might need to do some clearing. And not just clearing of weeds and dandelions. If you’ve got some “eyesore” objects out in your backyard and then it’s time to bring in Junk King Atlanta. Although they are junk removal experts, they also can do some amazing things around your backyard.


A lot of the things you want to get rid of in your backyard probably couldn’t fit into a trashcan. These would be things like a child’s swing set that is no longer in use, a broken lawnmower, rusty patio furniture or even a hot tub that is empty and broken. Those are the kinds of things that are cluttering up your backyard and could easily be removed when you turn that job over to the two-man moving crew that will be provided by Junk King Atlanta.

Once that team has taken away all the things you might have brought into the yard they can set their sights on those objects that Mother Nature might have dump there. The team from Junk King can be a big help removing storm debris and yard waste. That is why you’ll find many of your neighbors keep Junk King’s number programmed into their cell phone just in case they need a fast cleanup after a brutal storm.

If part of your backyard makeover this summer involves a major renovation like replacing a deck or driveway, then Junk King can be a huge help when it comes to removing all that demolition trash. That’s going to be very important especially if you’re working in a limited space. You want to make sure all that rubbish is removed so your work crews can be more productive.

As with all the junk that Junk King Atlanta might collect from the inside of your home, everything they take away from the backyard also has a chance to be recycled. Those concrete chunks can be ground up to make new cement and all the branches and shrubbery can be crunched up to make mulch. It’s all part of the complete junk removal service provided by Junk King Atlanta. Whether you need to clear out your backyard or clean out the garage Junk King Atlanta is definitely the call to make.

Convert Your Clutter into Free Space

There are many people who don’t mind living with clutter. To them a few piles of magazines and some dishes in the sink are no big deal. To other folks, everything has a place and that is where it belongs. Where do you fall on that range? It is actually not that challenging to keep the small clutter under control. It is when you move into the bigger spaces like your closet, garage and basement that clutter can easily get out of control. When you’re ready to finally tackle those areas, Junk King Atlanta will be ready for you!


The main reason most folks hang onto their junk is that they simply don’t have the proper help to get rid of it. That all changed when Junk King set up shop in Atlanta. Junk King Atlanta is part of a national chain of professional junk haulers. This is a company who has perfected this type of service after ten years of removing tons of rubbish from homes, schools, apartments, office buildings and warehouses. Imagine what they can do for your home.

The Junk King business model is simple: They do all the work. That starts by providing you with two very capable movers. These licensed and insured workers will be able to lift and load any object you want to get rid of. Weight and size won’t be an issue. That means you can toss out a piano or an entertainment center. It won’t matter to Junk King. What does matter is how much space your junk will fill up on the truck. That is how they determine your price. That estimate is figured out once the Junk King crew has had a chance to look over all of your things. Remember, you don’t have to move anything. Instead, just point to what you want taken away and Junk King will handle the rest.

When you’re ready to set up your appointment, you can book online and earn an extra discount. Most junk removal sessions are completed within 24 hours of that first contact. You could even score a same day pick up. You don’t have to live with your junk one day longer thanks to Junk King Atlanta.

Let Junk Hauling Pros Do The Hard Work For Your Junk Removal Chore

There will be a lot of folks who will spend hours setting up the perfect April Fool’s Day prank. This might involve filling an office cubicle with plastic balls or covering a car with shrink-wrap. The moment that the prank is pulled off and the pictures have been taken, it will be time to clean up. Those pranksters will say it is always worth the effort. Ironically, the people who spend the most time on pulling a prank don’t seem to have the time to clean up their own homes. Thankfully, Junk King Atlanta is standing by to provide a wide range of junk removal services and that is no joke!


There are different levels of junk removal. The basic session might involve the two-man moving crew from Junk King to take away a few pieces of old furniture and some bags of clothes. The most complicated aspect of those jobs is carefully navigating those objects out of a house and down stairs without causing and damage to floors or walls. Junk King has a proven track record of success in this area.

The next level of junk removal involves those times when the Junk King crew will be called on to take apart something before it can loaded up. Often folks will build something in a room that simply can’t fit out of the door. It could also be that something needs to be dismantled to make it fit onto a truck. Junk King crews will have all the tool needed to take apart, cut up or break apart anything you want gone.

The other level of junk removal involves a hoarder level of cleanup. This is a situation where the junk has totally overwhelmed a room or an entire home. For this kind of junk removal sessions, Junk King can dispatch additional crews and trucks to insure everything is hauled away on the same day. These kinds of cleanups can also happen at foreclosed properties or abandoned buildings that are scheduled for demolition.

Finally, the work of the Junk King crew can only be completed once they’ve disposed of that rubbish in a responsible manner. If they can avoid the landfill, then it’s a good day. Whether it is a big job or small one, let Junk King Atlanta do all the work for your next junk removal chore.

Get Your Green On for the Spring!

It has finally happened! Spring has arrived and not a moment too soon. It is time to throw open the windows, dust off the counters and start planting in the garden. It is also a perfect opportunity to take assessment of your home. Is it time to get rid of all your unwanted clutter? We’re not just talking about the junk mail and old magazines but the really big items like sofas, beds, dressers, old luggage and appliances. That kind of junk removal was tailor-made for Junk King Atlanta.


Too often getting rid of bulky objects becomes a burden. Between a hectic schedule and lack of extra manpower, moving something out of your home and finding a responsible place to dump can become too much. That is why you want to hire Junk King. These are the professional junk haulers who never met a pile of junk they couldn’t make disappear in a flash.

When you set up your junk removal session with Junk King, you’ll be provided with two very strong movers. This is the team who will climb any set of stairs and lift any heavy object. It’s not a stretch to ask Junk King with help removing items like an old piano or pool table. They will make short work of that every time.

You’ll also find that the team from Junk King can make a huge difference around your yards. You can ask Junk King to clear out an old wood shed, remove weed overgrowth or take down a swing set. If it is going to end up on the back of the truck, then just turn it over to Junk King.

Everything that is collected by Junk King while be sorted back at the depot. The crews will be pulling out those items that can be recycled or donated. That could cover a lot of what you’re tossing out. It will mean that you’ll be doing your part to keep Atlanta green without even lifting a finger. Just leave all the work to Junk King.

Are you ready to make your appointment? Trying booking online for additional savings. Get the most out of spring with a home that is cleared of clutter thanks to Junk King Atlanta.

Junk King Atlanta North
1712 Lumpkin Campground Road South
Dawsonville, GA 30534
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 7A-2P

Providing junk removal services to the North Atlanta area, including:

Ball Ground
Chestnut Mountain
and these nearby zip codes:
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