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Tag Archives: Chico Junk Removal

Cool Off By Clearing Out The Clutter In Your Chico Home

Living through a scorcher of a summer heat wave makes you think there is no end in sight. The truth is that all weather is cyclical. In other words, how hot it is today is how cold it will be in a couple of months. But that doesn’t really help beat the heat. Here are some ideas that will help you stay cool when it gets hot in Chico.

What do your neck, wrists, tops of your feet, ankles and temple all have in common? Yes, they’re parts of your body but they are also pulse points. This is where doctors can check your pulse rate because of the blood flow passing over bones. It’s also the perfect cool down zone. If you can cool down those areas then your entire body will have the sensation of coolness. Before you reach for the ice cubes, consider a moistened towel or handkerchief placed on those pulse points. That will give you a more even cool down experience as opposed to the shock of ice cubes.  You can even dab a little peppermint oil on those pulse points for more cool down sensations.

We’re always told to drink fluids when it gets hot to help with our bodies hydration but do you know which type of fluids? Water is top of the list followed by herbal teas and natural juices. It might surprise you to note that drinking coconut juice is very effective for hydrating and balancing out your body’s electrolytes.

Believe it or not sweating is good when it gets hot. It’s your body’s way to cooling itself down. It also tells you that everything is “working.” You can goose along that blood circulation by eating spicy food. That’s right; when it gets hot out eat hot food. This is a perfect excuse to try out that five-alarm chili!

A little spritz goes a long way. That would be a water-filled spray bottle that you can keep in the ice box to stay cool. If you’re out driving or walking the dog a quick spritz is just the ticket to cool you down.

If you’re going to be indoors with the AC cranking or fans going full tilt then you want to make sure you’ve got good air flow. Yes, sitting in front of those appliances will instantly cool you down but that’s not practical plus that doesn’t address the issue of keeping your total environment cool. One way to make sure you’ve got good air flow is getting rid of the junk. While this is a good way to break a sweat why not let Junk King Gold Country handle all the heavy lifting? Junk King specializes in all kinds of junk removal around the Chico and Gold Country area. Once they load up their truck with your junk you’ll be amazed at how the entire vibe of your home shifts. There is nothing quite as cool as a clutter free home.

Clear Home Clutter & Junk in Chico California

There must be something wired into our DNA that makes us all a hoarder. Sure there are little hoarders who cram their closets with shoes or who can’t throw away a loose button. Then there are extreme hoarders whose lives become overwhelmed with their “collections.” That’s when holding onto junk has become a safety hazard. Often the older we become the easier it is to simplify our lives through downsizing. After decades of lawn mowing, wouldn’t it be nice to move into a place where the lawns are taken care of for you? Not only can downsizing free up more of your time, it’s going to free up more of your money. Yes, most downsizing is going to mean a move to a smaller place but that’s a good thing. Of course, downsizing doesn’t necessarily mean you have to move but consolidate. In other words, make the most out of the space you have by getting rid of all the useless clutter.

How do you know if something is useless? Pick an item in your home, any item. Then ask yourself: Have I used this in the past year? Am I going to use this? Bottom line: can you live without that thing? If so then you don’t need it in your life and it should be tossed out. Look at this way: most folks only really utilize about 30% of what they have in their home. The rest is either for decorations or taking up space.

Consider the dining room. Yes, it’s nice to have a place where the family can gather but if you only use that room on Thanksgiving and Christmas are you really getting your money’s worth from that space. Moving into a smaller home without a large dining room means you’ll be saving on mortgage, rent and energy bills. You’re not sacrificing with downsizing but improving your quality of life.

If the task of getting rid of all your useless stuff becomes overwhelming, have no worry. Junk King Gold Country is standing by to help. One call to Junk King and you’ll see how easy it is to get rid of your stuff before making a move. If you want to downsize by clearing out a garage or spare room Junk King can help. With those open spaces you could rent them out and bring in more money.

After calling Junk King Gold Country, a team supervisor will come out to your home for a free on site estimate. During that time you’ll show them all the junk you want removed. You don’t have to lift a finger except to point to the junk. The JK supervisor will then provide you with an estimate for the job based on the amount of space your junk will take up on their truck. That’s a price that can’t be beat. Once you agree, you’ll set up an appointment for the Junk King crew to do the real work. As soon as your junk is taken away, you can look forward to clutter free and downsized life.

Chico Patio Furniture Disposal

What kind of shape is your patio furniture in? Maybe you have a patio and don’t have any furniture! That would be a shame considering how much relaxation can be had by spending a cool evening outdoors either sipping a nice glass of wine or grilling up some barbecue for dinner. It might be that you avoid your patio because your current set of furniture is less than desirable. If that’s the case then clearly should be thinking about investing in new patio furniture.

As you go shopping you’ll have for main types of furniture to choose from: wood, metal, wicker or resin. Each has their advantages and disadvantages but ultimately comes down to a matter of personal preference. In other words what will look best your patio?

Wood patio furniture is great for that natural vibe. This works best in a backyard that surrounded by lush greenery. The best type of wood patio furniture is made from center cut lumber that offers the most consistent grain. You also need to look for furniture to be built with zinc plated or stainless steel screws. Cedar and pine are light-colored softwoods that age to a type of silvery gray color unless you paint them are sealed that. Both of these types of woods are pressure-treated to last for years outdoors. Of course this is going to make them a bit more expensive.

In the metal category for patio furniture you’ll find a lot of varieties that are not only durable but also comfortable. As with any other type of patio furniture your metal chairs might need cushions for added comfort. Just be leery of buying a cushion of white fabric especially if you’re in an area where dirt could build up. Most metal patio furniture comes in black, white or green. They should also all have a finish which will protect the furniture from rust. Aluminum is part of the metal family and is very lightweight which makes it easy to move around or stack. There is even something referred to as retro metal which are sand back chairs that you might expect to find on the set of “Mad Men” and can give your patio a fun kitschy look.

As for wicker patio furniture this is best used in covered areas as it does not take to direct sunlight or rain very well. There are some types of wicker that are considered all-weather but these might not have that classic look you’re striving for. Finally there are some very nice pieces made from resin which are also extremely light weight and durable. They’re probably also the most inexpensive form of patio furniture.

Once you’ve settled on the type of patio furniture you’ll be getting it will be time to remove the old stuff. That’s where a call to Junk King Gold Country will be a big benefit. A Junk King crew will be able to remove your old furniture along with any other type of junk to get rid of in a single trip. Time it right and you can be out with the old and in with the new in a single day!

Chico Moving and Junk Hauling

It’s hard to imagine anyone getting through life without at least one major move. In fact, when you hear about someone who has lived in the same house all their life that becomes the “odd” story. Most of us follow a normal path of moving from our parents’ home into an apartment. Whether that’s after college or not, we start small. Moving into a house is often for new couples who want to find a decent place to raise their family. If you don’t make any other moves for the rest of your life, that’s still two big moves which will require a lot of effort on your part. The older we get the more opportunity we have to collect junk. That’s the one thing you don’t want to take with you as you begin a new chapter of your life in a new home. That can all be avoided if you have a move day before the move day.

This first move day is really all about moving out your junk. That would be the piles of stuff you have no desire to see ever again. It’s all that old furniture from ratty sofas to lumpy mattresses. If you moved into an apartment you might have had to bring in your own refrigerator. If that ice box has served its purpose, you’ll want to get rid of it for the new tenant. There are also old drapes, carpets and any manner of boxes crammed with stuff you’ll never use. Do you really want to bring that to you new home? Of course not. That’s why you need the pre-move.

Just as you will be using professional movers on the big day, you should also hire professional junk haulers like Junk King Gold Country to get rid of your big trash. The big difference between the two could come down to a matter of destination. The movers will be carefully transporting all of your belongings to your new home. If you’ve done your labeling right, then all the boxes will end up in the room they are supposed to end up in. You can also get your furniture arranged just how you planned.

On the other hand, Junk King will just be getting rid of your junk at two destinations: a recycle center or a landfill. The goal should always be recycling and that’s why you want to hire the pros. With a random junk hauler who is just piling up a beat up pickup truck there is no telling where your junk will end up. It could be a landfill or the side of the road. That’s not going to happen with Junk King. When they say they’re going to recycle something they mean it. Without all that junk in your new home you’ll be able to start on solid footing and make the most of all your wide open spaces!

Home Downsizing Tips in Chico California

If you were fortunate enough to have grown up in a big home, then you know what wonderful memories can be had in that kind of environment. Big homes tend to be a kind of magnet for family events. Because of all the extra space, this is where the great holiday celebrations occur or even the occasional wedding. However, living in a big home comes with extra burdens. It costs a lot to heat and generate power in a larger house not to mention all the general upkeep. Later in life, when the kids have moved on, that expansive house can end up becoming too much to handle. That’s why many folks in Chico and Gold Country are making the smart move towards downsizing their lives as way of improving their quality of living.

Once the new destination has been picked you might find it overwhelming to try and fit the belongings of a five bedroom home into a two bedroom condo but it can be done. First of all, you should consider family and friends when it comes to dispersing some useable items. This could mean passing down the family dining room table or piano to a deserving relative. At least that way a treasured heirloom can stay in the family. You might also consider writing a special note to go along with that piece which can trace back its history and increase the sentimental value.

The key with a downsizing project is not to rush yourself. You don’t want to become overwhelmed with the feeling of you “giving everything you own away.” Instead, you’re passing down important parts of your family history but these are only just “things.”  They aren’t the real history of your family.

When those extra items have been handed out, you should be left with what you really need to maintain your standard of living. Anything that doesn’t fall into that category can be designated for the junk pile. That’s when you should hire a team of professional junk haulers like Junk King Gold Country to clear out that clutter before you make the downsizing move. Think of this as the move before the move.

Deciding whether something is junk is actually easy. If you haven’t used this thing at least once in the last six months then maybe it’s time to let it go. How many pieces of long abandoned sports equipment would qualify? What about furniture that isn’t worth passing on to family members but instead has become worn out or unusable? There is no need to bring that into your new living space.

The professional junk haulers at Junk King will take up the burden of getting rid of that junk along with any boxes of papers, clothes or other items that you have no more need for. Clearing out this clutter could also help with the sale of your big home when you can show prospective buyers all the potential space they will be investing in. Start your new downsized life on the right foot: without junk!

Alternatives to Chico California Dumpster Rentals

A quick Google search will reveal that there are plenty of businesses that will rent you a dumpster it Chico, CA. The real question is whether or not this is the smartest choice for your needs. Exactly why do you need to rent a dumpster in the first place? Most often it’s about planning ahead when you know you’re going to have an accumulation of garbage. For instance, if you are engage in a remodeling project for your home it might be recommended by your contractor that you will need a dumpster so that they can get rid of all the construction waste they will be creating. While that makes it convenient for those workers it doesn’t necessarily make it convenient for you because of all the hassles associated with renting a dumpster.

First of all, you have to make room for that dumpster on your property. This could mean clearing out your driveway and forcing you to park on the street (if you can find parking!). The other alternative would be to put the dumpster out of the curb in front of your house. The problem with that is you might need a permit. Also you’re basically inviting everyone in your neighborhood to fill up your dumpster. Haven’t you dumped some trash into dumpster that wasn’t yours at one point in your life?

That dumpster rental will also be sitting on your property for the duration of the rental. It’ll be very difficult to find a company that will drop off a dumpster in the morning and then pick it up at the end of the day. You’ll probably have to keep it for a minimum of three days. If you have a dumpster sitting overnight in your driveway it’s going to act like a magnet for all kinds of undesirable elements both of the two-legged and four-legged variety.

So what is the alternative? That would be hiring professional junk haulers like Junk King Gold Country to accomplish the very same task that you would need a dumpster for: getting rid of your trash. The difference with the professional junk haulers is the fact that they’ll accomplish the job in an hour or so and there won’t be any need for having a dumpster on your property. These professional haulers can handle whatever amount of remodeling construction waste is created or any other junk you would be feeling of a dumpster with.

If you are planning to rent a dumpster because you’re cleaning out your garage don’t bother. Just pile that junk in the driveway and on the same day Junk King’s pro hauling team will back their truck up and fill it with your garbage. Bottom line: when it comes to removing junk you want it out of sight and out of mind; that can’t be accomplished you’ve got a dumpster sitting in your driveway!

Chico Construction Waste Removal

There’s good news and bad news regarding a startup of a construction project originated by a local Chico company. The good news is that the Sierra Nevada Brewing Company of Chico is doing such great business that it needs to expand. Right now the company employs about 500 workers who are busy brewing a tasty microbrew that is delivered all throughout the Southwest.
Because of the popularity of their beer the Sierra Nevada Brewing Company wants to open up a second plant. The bad news is that plant is going to be built in North Carolina. Of course, that’s only bad news for local Chico construction workers. Across the country in North Carolina they are over the moon at the prospect of another brewery coming to the region. Right now North Carolina is home to 28 production breweries and 21 brewpubs. That’s a lot of beer to quench anyone’s thirst.
Even though the new brewery is going to be built several thousand miles away from the Sierra Nevada Brewing Company’s headquarters they will be keeping a close watch on the development of all the construction project plans. Whether that new brewery is going to be built from the ground up or adapting an existing structure there are certainly good to be a lot of construction waste generated throughout the months of building.
The bulk of construction waste created at any new project comes in the early phase when demolition and/or excavation occurs. This is when the need for a construction waste removal plan is necessary, otherwise you could back up the entire project. . Moving down to a smaller size construction project like one you might have around your own home still requires the need for a proper construction waste disposal plan. Just like the big companies you can also turn to the services of professional crew of junk haulers like Junk King Gold Country to make sure your own construction waste, no matter how big or small, will be taken away in a timely fashion.
There are many skilled tradesmen living in the Chico area who would have no problem taking on their own remodeling project. There might not be a need for architectural plans for hiring a contractor if someone you know already understands the basics of construction. After all, it’s not that complicated to tear out kitchen cabinets and replaced them with new ones. The same can be said for swapping out old kitchen appliances for new kitchen appliances. All you really need is the muscle and the truck space. That’s just what you’ll be getting when you hire Junk King Gold Country’s hauling team.
If something like a kitchen remodel is on your DIY list then you really want to focus on that project and not be wasting valuable time with making multiple trips to landfills to get rid of all the construction waste. The quicker you can get that kitchen back to normal the quicker peace will reign in your home!

Chico and Gold Country Junk Recycling

As fans of Disney’s popular film “The Lion King” know the circle of life refers to a son taking over the responsibilities of his father. It’s easy to see that play out in royalty whether that’s in Westminster Abby or the jungle! But that so-called circle of life can also apply to many other aspects of our own lives especially with the things we choose to surround ourselves with – namely all of our “stuff.”
At one point our stuff began as a purchase aimed towards improving the quality of our life. Things like furniture, televisions, clothing and appliances would definitely fall into this category. We need someplace to sit comfortably in our Gold Country, CA homes so we buy a sofa. We want to be entertained by watching television so we buy a new TV. We’ve got to cook and store our food so we buy a stove and refrigerator. At some point anyone of those items could wear out and need replacing. If all goes according to plan we will just be able to swap out the old for the new. That in and of itself is a circle of life moment. However, when you get into the issue of recycling that circle of life takes on a whole new meaning.
Everything we have in our home once started out as raw material. You have to go back to the forests where the trees grew that became wood that was needed to build the furniture and walls to understand this circle of life. The same can be said for the iron ore used to make the steel and metal that goes into building a television. There’s also all kinds of chemical compounds used in the manufacturing of plastics that are all over our home. When you recycle anything, whether it’s a single plastic bottle or your sofa, you are essentially breaking down those items to their raw material. That raw material is then cleaned up and repurposed into a new item. Basically this could mean that the plastic bottle you’re drinking a soda out of was once several dozen other plastic bottles. And when you throw that away and it gets recycled it will go on to be even more plastic bottles. So yes, your soda bottle will live forever!
What does any of this have to do with junk recycling? A lot actually. When it is time for you to get rid of the junk that is cluttering up your home you don’t have to necessarily assume it has to end up in a landfill. A large percentage of everything you throw away can be recycled if it is handled properly by the right kind of junk haulers like Junk King Gold Country. This means that your furniture can be recycled at one facility near Chico while you’re kitchen appliances can be diverted to another recycling center closer to West Sacramento. There will even be a third one that will handle all your electronic waste out in Yuba County. While it might seem like a hassle to try and figure out where to take your junk you won’t have to worry about that when you bring in the pros. They know where to recycle all you have to worry about is what you want to recycle and take back the circle of life!
For the best in Chico Junk Recycling, or within any part of Gold Country, CA, simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online today.

Chico Junk Removal – Prepare for the Holidays

The holidays are great time to reconnect with old friends and family. They are also the perfect time of the year to share your blessings. While it might seem like you’re becoming overwhelmed with charities, take it all in stride. Just like retailers, charities count on this time of the year to help them through the slow months ahead.
One charity function that everyone has a great time at is the annual Red, White and Blue Christmas dinner that has been set up to benefit the local Chico families of deployed National Guard soldiers. While those soldiers are serving their country, their families often struggle to get by. That is why an event like this is so important. Not only will money be raised with the dinner but also with the silent auction.  A silent auction is where items are put up for bidding but instead of the classic auctioneer, you can write out your bid on a card. The highest bidder still wins.
Now, you might be thinking of donating some items around your home for the silent auction or to other charities and that’s a good thing. However, there is a distinction between items worthy of an auction versus just plain junk. If you’re looking to get rid of the junk, then you should look no further than Junk King Gold Country, who provides the top Chico Junk Removal services.
Junk King Chico is part of the acclaimed national franchise of Junk King businesses that are dedicated to clearing the clutter from our homes, offices and businesses. You might think that spring cleaning is really the best time to get rid of some junk but it’s really the upcoming holidays that make more sense for cleaning up. There are some folks who have a room dedicated in their homes just for storage. It would make a lot more sense to use that room for guests than junk. The Junk King Chico crew can help with that.
As you climb up to the attic to bring down the Christmas decorations, you might be confronted with mounds of junk you’ve been waiting to get rid of. Why wait any longer? The Junk King crew can make those trips up and down your attic steps to get that clutter and you won’t have to lift a finger.   In addition, Junk King Chico’s hauling teams  are professionals. This means they are licensed and insured. Two qualities you want from any worker entering in your home!
For the best hauling services in Chico, California or any of Gold Country for that matter, simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online today.
Junk King Gold Country
900 Whispering Pines Ln #100
Grass Valley, CA 95945
Hours: M-Sa: 8A-4P

Providing junk removal services to the Gold Country area, including:

Beale Afb
Browns Valley
Cedar Ridge
Chicago Park
Dutch Flat
Emigrant Gap
Feather Falls
Grass Valley
Yuba City
and these nearby zip codes:
95602, 95603, 95604, 95614, 95701, 95703, 95712, 95713, 95714, 95715, 95903, 95918, 95919, 95922, 95924, 95925, 95935, 95940, 95945, 95949, 95991, 95992, 95993