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Tag Archives: rubbish

Let Junk King Help Your Parents Get Rid Of Rubbish

You probably grew up doing a lot of chores.  As a little kid, you are probably eager to pitching around the house. The older you got the more “challenging” some of those chores became. It might have helped if allowance was part of the equation. Looking back, you probably realize now that your parents really want asking for you to do a lot compared to all that they did to provide a happy home. Now as an adult, you have the opportunity to pay back some of the help that they provided. That payback can come in the form by helping them clear out the rubbish from their home. This doesn’t have to be another chore you have to take on. Instead, you can turn that task over to Junk King Atlanta. These professional junk haulers will make sure that your parents’ home will be clear of unwanted rubbish in no time at all.

Easy Set Up

Setting up the session with Junk King will be easy. You just have to pick a  day and two-hour window that works best for you and your parents schedule. Just note that if you were to call today, then you might be asked to have the appointment taken care of by tomorrow. Junk King likes to move fast. However, if you and your parents need more time to sort through some of the things you are thinking about getting rid of, then you can always schedule your session for the weekend. On the day of the appointment, the Junk King crew will stay in contact with you as they progress through the day. Those two hours are typically used up in driving time across the city. Once they get to the location you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly they move to get rid of all the rubbish.

Donating and Recycling

Your parents will appreciate the fact that Junk King is dedicated to an environmentally friendly disposal policy. That involves making drop-offs to charities or recycling centers. You don’t have to decide if something is worthy of the donation. The Junk King crews know exactly what these organizations are looking for and what kind of condition it can be in. They will do all that sorting work back at the depot. It’s all part of the junk removal service.

Help your mom and dad out with a junk removal session from Junk King Atlanta. It’s a gift they’ll appreciate for a long time!

Junk King Can Help Keep Your Restaurant Clear Of Rubbish

The first thing that a customer who walks into a restaurant should be exposed to are wonderful smells and sights of happy diners. They shouldn’t see dirty dishes on tables or clutter scattered everywhere. They want to know they’ve made a wise choice to spend their money at this establishment. It falls on the restaurant manager and staff to insure that the restaurant is spotless. It could be that the front of the restaurant is indeed sparkling but all the rubbished and clutter is piled up in storerooms, alleys and hallways. This is not helping things. You want the restaurant to be clean from front to back. When it comes to getting rid of all the excess rubbish and clutter, a company like Junk King Atlanta is going to be a big help.

Make More Storage Space

Junk King can send over exactly what you need to help clear out the rubbish from your restaurant: Two movers and a big truck. While your staff is busy tending to customers, the team from Junk King will be able to efficiently load up their truck with all your excess unwanted items. That can include anything from old tables and chairs to broken kitchen equipment. Taking back that kind of storage space is going to have a huge impact on your restaurant. It will be easier to store the things that matter. It will also improve safety.

Affordable Pricing

The cost for Junk King’s services are based on how the crew will pack up the truck. These teams have a lot of packing experience and they know how to fit a lot of things into a little space. That’s a good thing because it means you’ll be paying the low end of the price scale with every appointment. Of course, you might have enough stuff to fill up the entire truck. Junk King will still work with you to make it fair. You’ll know what the price is before the work begins and it won’t change when the work is done.

To help get your restaurant clear of rubbish, put Junk King Atlanta on the job.

Smart Tips For First-Time Homebuyers

Nothing is more exciting and anxiety inducing than buying your first home. Home ownership is one of those things that every single person dreams of. And those dream homes can take many forms from a rural location to a condo in the city. If this is your first time buying a home, then you’ll want to put these tips into action:


Set a Budget and Stick To It

There are plenty of online real estate sites that can help you with your home shopping. Before you dive in, you need to be realistic about your price range and this can only happen if you set a budget and stick with it. The obvious goal would be to find a loan that would have you paying equal to what you’re paying to rent right now. But you also have to factor in costs for homeowner’s insurance and property taxes. That is just what you’ll be spending on a regular basis. There are also all kinds of deposits and closing costs that need to be factored into this budget as well. Once you’ve locked down the numbers, then you can know what kind of home you can afford.

Make a “Must Have” List

Will there be compromises when buying a home? Of course but there are also some features that shouldn’t be up for negotiation. Those can include the number of bathrooms, bedrooms and yard space. Remember, anything cosmetic can be fixed but you don’t want to move into a home and continue sharing a bathroom if that is on your “must have” list.

That list should also include the location. Do you want to be closer to work or to schools?

Use an Experienced Realtor

As mentioned, there are plenty of listing sites online that can help with your search but those sites probably don’t have as much updated information as an experienced realtor would have. It is crucial that you work with a realtor who knows the territory. They’ll know what homes are coming onto the market before anyone else. They’ll also know about realistic pricing. Most importantly, they’ll be in the best position to negotiate a favorable deal.

Once you’ve locked down your home and are waiting for closing to wrap up, you’ll want to start to get ready for the big move and that should begin with a session with Junk King Atlanta. You’ve probably accumulated a lot of unwanted junk over the years and none of that should be dragged to your new home. Instead, turn it all over to Junk King. One junk removal session with Junk King Atlanta will help make sure you’re not bring old junk to a new home.

How To Hold A Successful Estate Sale

If you have been put in charge of a family member’s estate, then that could involve clearing out a house full of furniture, appliances and other items. It can be a daunting task but one that is made easy with an estate sale. Unlike a yard sale where you drag everything out to the front lawn, an estate sale will often mean opening the doors to the house and letting folks come through to consider items to purchase. That means doing a little prep work in advance. Here are some great suggestions on how to hold a successful estate sale:


Research the Items

If you’re not sure how to price and item, then you should do a little research. Just keep in mind that everything in a home has a depreciated value. That means you won’t be getting full retail prices for those items. A good place to look is on eBay for similar items. This should provide you with a good range of what to charge.

Have Clearly Marked Prices

A big part of estate sales will be bargaining. It’s very rare that someone will pay exactly what you’re asking without a little haggling. It helps if you can clearly mark every item with a price tag. This will also be a big help with you if you are dealing with a lot of potential customers. You don’t want to stop and try to remember what you thought you were going to sell something for.

Make Sure You Have Help

Just because you aren’t bringing any of the items out to the front lawn doesn’t mean you don’t need to have help. You should try to get a friend or family member stationed in every room of the home where you are selling things. That way your customers will be able to instantly ask questions and get direct answers.

Set Up A Table For Purchases

Just as every store has a register, you should also have a designated space where customers can be making purchases. This can simply be a table by the front door.

No matter how successful your estate sale might be, you’re sure to have a lot of leftover items. The best way to handle that is to hire Junk King Atlanta for your estate clean out. One call to these professional junk haulers will have a team of capable movers sent to your home for fast removal of all the remaining items. Estate cleanouts are hassle free what you put Junk King Atlanta on the job.

How To Find the Right Homebuilder

Building a new home is a huge investment. This could actually be your dream home because you’ll be able to design it from the ground up. Before you can move in the furniture, you need to make sure you pick the right homebuilder for your situation. Here’s what you should think about before you begin your search for the right homebuilder:


Your Budget

Obviously, when you are considering building a home versus buying one you’ve already crunched some numbers. But that doesn’t mean you are completely out of the woods. It would help to get a construction mortgage preapproval before you begin the process. This will let you know exactly the amount of funds you can work with. It’s also vital that whatever number you are preapproved of you don’t want to go over. Even a couple thousand dollars will put a strain on you and the project. It’s better to find ways to cut costs every step along the way.

Be Clear About What You Want

It can be very exciting to build a home from the ground up. However, you have to be very clear about what you want when talking to your prospective homebuilder. Once they begin rolling up plans you don’t want to come back and suddenly say, “Oh by the way can we have a swimming pool?” It might be a good idea to sit down with your partner and write out your “wish list.” That way you can see exactly what you might keep and what you might lose.

Embrace Experience

Although it is nice to give people a first chance at a business, you don’t want that to be building your home. Your homebuilder should have a long history of construction that can easily be verified with references and accreditation.

Check References

Every prospective homebuilder that you will meet will provide you with a list of references. Obviously, these are people who are going to be satisfied customers. It shouldn’t be too hard to find customers outside of that list. You want to find out if those clients had a good experience with the builder and if they were responsive to needs.

You will probably want to survey the lot you’re building on with your prospective builder. In to get an accurate picture you may need to clear that lot. This is where Junk King Atlanta can be big asset. These are the junk removal professionals who have a lot of experience clearing out vacant lots that have been turned into illegal dumping grounds. Don’t be turned off by trash in a vacant lot. Instead, turn it over to Junk King Atlanta.

How To Get Your Home Ready For A New Baby

Planning for a new baby can be a very exciting time. There are a lot of classes and books to read but nothing will prepare you for the real thing. Before your little one shows up there some great ideas that you might not think about right off the bat. Here’s how you can get your home ready for a new baby.


Put Up a Growth Chart

You will suddenly appreciate how quickly time flies with a new baby. They’re going to grow extremely fast and you definitely want to track all the milestones. The most important is their height. After all, how would you know they’ll be ready for the roller coaster? You can install a growth chart in their room that’s like a giant measuring stick. This can be something you can DIY or buy premade. Either way, get ready for those growth spurts.

Set Up a Diaper Station

You’re going to learn how to work with one hand very quickly. Usually one hand is holding down the baby who is squirming while the other is getting the diaper ready. It helps to have everything within arm’s reach. A changing table is just that: a place where you can change the diaper. But you’ll need wipes, ointment, diapers, tissues and a few other sundries during each of those changes. That’s why you want to set up a mobile diaper station that will fit right next to the changing table. If you can find a cart with wheels, then all the better. Nothing beats getting mobile!

Decorate the Baby’s Room

You will most likely want to paint the nursery before the arrival of the baby. Even if you don’t stick with a traditional blue or pink colors, you can find a neutral shade that is just as attractive. There are many ways that you can decorate the baby’s room. One thing to keep in mind is not to hang anything on the wall over a crib. That might prove to be too tempting a target to reach for. There are many wall decals that you can stick on an easily remove as they get older.

Get Rid Of Clutter

Starting with the baby shower presents you’re going to discover that a new baby comes with a lot of new stuff. You need to make room for these things not only in the nursery but also throughout the rest of the house. This is why you want to hire Junk King Atlanta. These are the junk removal professionals who can help you clear out all kinds of unwanted clutter from old appliances to random pieces of furniture. The less clutter you have the deal with, the better off you’ll be with your new baby. Junk King Atlanta can help with that in a big way.

One Call To Junk King Atlanta Get Your Business Clear Of Rubbish

Is your business going according to plan? Most business plans have a five and 10-year projection. It’s important to set those goals so you know where you’re headed. Those goals also help investors know your potential for growth. Obviously, your business can change from that original plan. The hope is that it will be successful way ahead of schedule. One thing you might not a plan for all the rubbish you end up collecting as a part of doing business.


Things can change around the layout of your workspace and that means furniture and office equipment gets shoved into a storage closet. At a retail space, you’re constantly rearranging the floor to bring in new inventory. That means racks, shelves and display cases also get put into storage. Additionally, there can be boxes of promotional materials that are outdated. All of this rubbish can have an impact on how efficient your workspace is. That’s why it’s vital to get rid of it before it takes over your business. One call to Junk King Atlanta gets that task completed.

When you set up a junk removal appointment with Junk King Atlanta they will deploy a two-man moving crew to the task. This will be the team that is going to be under your direct supervision for the duration of the assignment. You are their boss. That means you get to tell them exactly what you want removed from your space. It doesn’t matter to the Junk King Atlanta crew how heavy something might be. All that matters is it has to get onto the truck and they’ll find a way to make that happen in as little time as possible.

Everything collected by Junk King Atlanta won’t automatically end up in a landfill. Instead, Junk King Atlanta would prefer to drop off items at a recycling center or charity. This is part of their dedication to an eco-friendly way of disposing of what they collect. It also helps you maintain your status as a green company. You’ll be amazed how much can be recycled from a business. Don’t let rubbish get in the way of your business succeeding. Have Junk King Atlanta take it all away today.

Don’t Get Stuck With Yard Sale Rubbish

You could put a lot of work into a weekend yard sale and end up making less money than you started out with. That’s because you’re going to have to invest in creating some posters to hang up to promote your yard sale. You’re also going to be giving up your valuable time. How much is your time worth? Start with how much you make at work per hour. Also remember that just because you’re putting stuff for sale on your front lawn doesn’t guarantee anyone will show up and buy that stuff. At the end of the day, you could still be stuck with all the rubbish you want to get rid of. A much better approach would be to hire Junk King Atlanta from the start. These are the junk removal experts who can remove all your unwanted stuff in a much more efficient manner.


Whether you hire Junk King Atlanta or go with the yard sale you’re still going to have to do a lot of sorting. You’ll be going to closets, the basement, attic and garage to find all those things you want to get rid of. The major difference with hiring Junk King Atlanta is that you don’t have to bring any of that stuff down to the front lawn. Plus, it’s guaranteed that it will be gone thanks to the efforts of the two-man moving crew who will be assigned to your junk removal session.

In addition to all the things that Junk King Atlanta can take from the inside of your house, they can also do some amazing work around the yards. If you have some rusty auto-parts, spare tires, a broken lawnmower or even a child’s swing set that you want to get rid of now is the time to make that happen with one call to Junk King Atlanta.

The cost for this service is very affordable. You’ll just be paying a flat fee based upon how tightly the crew can pack your stuff onto the truck. The less room they take up the less you’re going to pay. You’ll know this price before the crew does any work. Forget the yard sale; give all your rubbish the Junk King Atlanta and it will be gone for good.

How To Start Your Home Organizing

Many people voice a desire to get organized both at their job and around the home. They know this is crucial with regard to time management at the office. Around the house be an organized allows you to live in the clutter free environment and find the stuff you’re looking for when you need it. Nothing is more frustrated than wasting time looking for a pair of shoes or even your keys that have somehow gotten lost in all the clutter.

Once you’ve assigned a place for every object in your home then it’s not an effort to stay organized. Organization experts often recommend things like decorative baskets or plastic storage bins to help contain the various loose items you have floating around your home. Taking care of the little stuff is easy it’s when you need to remove significant amounts of clutter that you’ll need some help. That can come from the dedicated teams provided by Junk King Atlanta. These are the junk removal pros that can help power up your home organizing.


To get truly organize you have to clear out all the rubbish first. If you were to tackle this project throughout your entire home, you might soon discover that you’ve got more things to throw out than can fit in your weekly garbage can pick up. All that stuff can be turned over to Junk King Atlanta. You don’t even have to bring it down to the curb. You’re hiring that Junk King team to do all the work for you and that includes lifting, loading and climbing stairs.

Before the team begins to do that loading, they’re going to size up all the things you want to get rid of. This is how they’ll determine what your final fee will be. That will be based on an estimate of how much space your junk will take up on the back of the truck. You’ll be presented with this estimate before the work starts and there won’t be any surprise charges where the job is done. Don’t hesitate to shop around. Junk King Atlanta is confident that they are offering a great deal for this type of service. Start organizing your home the right way with a call to Junk King Atlanta.

Does Your Atlanta Home Have Rubbish That Needs To Be Removed?

Have you ever called 311? That is the number for city services like street light repair or fixing potholes. It’s also the number you should use if you spot someone illegally dumping trash anywhere in Atlanta or across the state. If will help if you can take note of the dumper’s license plate. Authorities are cracking down of this kind of dumping. When you consider how easy it is to get rid of rubbish, you have to wonder why those careless folks would dump their trash by the side of the road. You can take care of your junk removal with a single call to Junk King.


These are the professional junk haulers who make it their business to keep Atlanta clean. They accomplish that one truckload full of junk at a time. Of course, you might not be tossing out enough junk to fill up a truck. Even if you’re just tossing out a few old computers and a box or two of clothing it won’t matter to Junk King. They’ll take away whatever you’re tossing out no matter how big or small.

You’ll also be putting a two-man Junk King crew to work on your job. From the moment they show up on your property, they are your crew and they want your direction. Show them what you want tossed out and they’ll pick it up right on the spot. That’s a big help if you’ve got something down in the basement that need at least two people to bring it up. Don’t feel bad about asking Junk King to make several trips up and down those stairs. They are happy to oblige.

You can schedule your rubbish removal appointment by calling Junk King directly or you can set it up online. Either way, Junk King is going to work around your schedule. If you need an early morning pickup before going to work, then that’s what you’ll get.

Although you might be “over” your junk, that doesn’t mean it can find another type of home. Some items could be fixed up by a charity. Other items can be melted down and recycled. Junk King will take care of all of those different drop offs as part of their complete junk hauling service. You don’t have to live with rubbish any more thanks to Junk King.


Junk King Atlanta North
1712 Lumpkin Campground Road South
Dawsonville, GA 30534
Hours: M-F: 8A-4P, Sa: 7A-2P

Providing junk removal services to the North Atlanta area, including:

Ball Ground
Chestnut Mountain
and these nearby zip codes:
30003, 30004, 30005, 30006, 30007, 30009, 30010, 30022, 30023, 30026, 30028, 30040, 30041, 30061, 30065, 30075, 30076, 30077, 30091, 30095, 30098, 30099, 30102, 30107, 30114, 30115, 30120, 30121, 30188, 30189, 30348, 30355, 30356, 30362, 30366, 30501, 30502, 30503, 30504, 30506, 30507, 30515, 30527, 30528, 30533, 30597, 31126, 31146, 31156