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Junk Removal Blog

Smart Home Improvement Ideas For A Solid ROI

Anytime you spend money, you want to make sure you get your money’s worth. That’s true if you are buying a car or planning a home improvement project. The money you invest in a home improvement project will only come back to you as an increased amount for the overall value of your home. Here are some smart home-improvement ideas for solid ROI:


Deck, Patio or Porch Addition

If you were to invest around $11,000 in a pressure-treated wood deck with a simple pattern, then you might discover you can add $10,000 to the value of your home. You can increase that value by adding touches like decorative planters and comfortable patio furniture. Be sure to also keep in mind using that deck or patio in the evening. That means having some soft lighting fixtures strategically placed around the area. It’s also important to make sure any porch railings or steps are secure and not run down. If there is an air-conditioning unit in your backyard, then you might want to camouflage it with a small wooden structure made from the same wood you are using for your deck.

Replace Windows

Prospective buyers notice windows from the outside but might not pay too much attention to them on the inside. They’re more concerned with the view. However, if you were to replace your windows with energy efficient models, then that’s something that you can promote as an amenity of the house. Energy-efficient windows will also immediately start to have a positive impact on your monthly power bills.

Family Room Addition

Any opportunities that you have to add additional rooms to your home is one that should be given serious consideration. These additional rooms can be an extension of an existing room with an open floor plan or an entirely separate closed off room. As long as you are extending the bottom floor, you could also extend the second floor at the same time. That can create two rooms for the price of one.

As you plan out these home-improvement projects want to be smart about your budgeting. It is important to lockdown your plans before construction begins. You don’t want to suddenly change your mind about design in the middle of construction. It will also help to keep cost down if you can take care of something like clean up. That is a perfect reason to hire Junk King Chattanooga. In fact, you’ll probably want to bring in Junk King Chattanooga twice; once on demolition day and then again at the end of the project for final cleanup. Hiring Junk King Chattanooga will ensure that your home improvement project stays clear of construction debris.

Kick Off 2018 With These New Year’s Resolutions

The two most popular resolutions made each year are to get into better shape and to break a bad habit like smoking. Those are noble resolutions but you don’t have to stop there. There are a lot more goals you could set for yourself in the coming year. Here are a few to think about:


Be More Creative

Not everyone is a master painter but that doesn’t mean you can’t be more creative. Have you taken the time to explore all those filters on your Smartphone camera? You’ll be amazed at how you can improve a simple photo. You can also be creative when it comes to cooking or finding ways to inspire your kids to get their chores and homework done. Of course, nothing is wrong with starting that book idea!

Overcome Your Fears

What are you afraid of? Maybe it is heights or spiders. You could also have a fear of getting fired at work or not making enough money. A lot of fears are based on lack of information. By informing yourself you could just end up conquering fears. Not all spiders bite or are poisonous and on it goes. Get those answers to why you’re afraid and conquer that fear.

Start a Journal

Writing a journal is a good way to “vent” without bothering anyone. You can write in confidence knowing no one has to read what you’re writing. If the thought of writing in longhand bothers you, then type out your journal or dictate your thoughts onto a phone voice memo. This time next year, look back on what you’ve wrote. Always interesting.

Get Junk Removed

You’ll feel great about starting the New Year in a home that isn’t full of clutter. Once you’ve had your day off, focus on sorting through all your closets, garage, basement, attic and other storage areas. How much stuff in those places can you live without? Here’s a hint: If you haven’t used any of those items in over a year, then you can probably get rid of them. That’s when you’ll want to bring in Junk King Chattanooga. All you’ll need is one appointment with these junk hauling experts to make all that rubbish disappear. The best New Year’s resolution you can make for your home is to get rid of the junk. Junk King Chattanooga can make it happen.


Best Approach For Senior Proofing Your Home

There might come a time when you’ll be able to return the favor to your parents and let them move in with you. It’s a great way to keep them connected to the grandkids and keep an eye out for them. As they get older, there are some easy precautions you can take to reduce the risk of unnecessary falls in your home. Here is the best approach for senior proofing your home:


Install Railings and Bars

Think of your bathroom as the major slip zone in your home. You might have experience your own tumbles in there as you get in and out of the shower. Installing additional grip handles can help prevent those kinds of slips. You can even go so far as to swap out the traditional tub with a walk-in tub. You’ll also want to put non-slip mats in the tub and outside the tub.

Remove Locks

No, not the locks on the front door but doorknobs inside your home with built-in locking mechanisms. Sometimes you’ll find these on bathroom and bedroom doors. They can also lead to accidently getting locked in a room.

Watch Out For Slippery Surfaces

The same caution you use in the bathroom with no slip mats should be applied to the kitchen and laundry room. Make sure the floors have those mats and they are secured with double-stick tape.

Remove Trip Hazards

Area rugs and footstools are two major culprits when it comes to tripping. Do you really need those? You want to make sure you have clear paths down hallways, across rooms and up and down stairs. If clearing out these trip hazards leaves you with piles of clutter that can’t fit into the trash, then it’s time to call in Junk King Chattanooga. They’ll set up a junk removal session that will be staffed with a pair of capable movers who will be doing all the heavy lifting for you. This is a great opportunity to get rid of heavy pieces of furniture or to clear out rubbish form the garage or closets. Senior proofing your home won’t be complete until Junk King Chattanooga has hauled away the clutter.

Is Your Guestroom Ready for Holiday Visitors?

Do you like surprises? Sure, it’s fun to get a gift from Santa that you weren’t expecting. But most people don’t like to be surprised, even if it is for a good reason. That certainly holds true to having overnight guests. Yes, if you kid surprises you by coming home from college early, it’s not a problem. But if a friend you haven’t seen in ten years pops up in town and needs a place to stay, then that might be a challenge. You need time to get the house ready. That’s why you should know if you’re having overnight holiday visitors well in advance of their arrival. That will give you plenty of time to get everything ready. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just welcoming.


Have you ever spent the night in your guestroom? You might actually discover a lot of interesting things starting with the mattress. If it hasn’t been slept on by a lot of visitors, then it could actually be in better shape than your bed. That might not hold true of the pillows. Usually the guestroom pillows are the “cast offs” from the rest of the house. Same for sheets and blankets. Those can work unless they are really threadbare. Then it is time to replace them. At the very least, all the sheets, blankets, pillowcases and comforters should be run through the wash.

You’ll also want to make room for their clothes. Even if they’re just staying for the weekend, they probably don’t want to live out of their suitcase. You might need to clear some space in your closet or surrender a dresser drawer. Instead of looking at this as a chore, consider it an opportunity. It’s a good chance to get rid of some unwanted items. That’s where Junk King Chattanooga comes into play.

Once you’ve gathered up all the things in the guestroom that need to be hauled way, set up your session with Junk King. They’ll send over a pair of movers and a big truck to take care of that task. You’ll be amazed at how quickly they can clear out a room, garage or closet of clutter. Let Junk King Chattanooga help you get your guestroom ready for holiday visitors. It will be one less thing to worry about.

Tips For Finishing An Unfinished Basement

Was your unfinished basement one of the features that attracted you to your house? Obviously, you planned to get that basement finished one day. Perhaps now is the time to devote some effort to that goal. Who knows? If you start this week, then you might have it ready for the holidays. Here are some things to keep in mind when finishing an unfinished basement:


Check for water

Before you begin any planning, you want to check for water or leak. Obvious signs would be any pools of water drips that are seen on the inside. You also want to check your foundation on the outside. If you are replacing drywall or paneling, then you might discover some water issues behind that. You definitely want to track the source of those leaks and get them fixed before you put up any new drywall.

Check the Codes

Once you have sealed up any potential water leaks you’ll want to check with the local municipality for your neighborhood to see if you need any permits for what you’re doing. You probably won’t need them if you’re just putting up drywall but if you are planning any electrical or plumbing work then it might need to be inspected.

Get The Right Fasteners

Many basements are built with some sort of masonry or cement block. That means a regular nail or screw isn’t going to support your framing for drywall. You need to get the right type of fasteners for your wall type. If you’re not sure, then snap a photo and take it to your hardware store. They should know exactly what you need to make your wall secure.

Add A Vapor Barrier

Even with the leaks plugged up your basement can still be a damp place. A vapor barrier that’s place between the walls and floors prior to framing can help remove some of that dampness.

Consider Insulation

Insulation that you can put in the between the foundation and your walls cannot only help control the temperature but also dampen sound from the outside. That’s great if you going to turn your basement into your home theater. You can use foam insulation or insulation in a roll. Again, you want to check the code requirements whenever you install insulation.

Get Rid Of The Junk

Of course, before you start any remodeling project in your basement you want to get rid of all the unwanted rubbish. Basements are a popular spot in a home for random storage. You can hire Junk King Chattanooga to remove all that clutter and junk from your basement. The team from Junk King will make it many trips up and down the stairs as needed. One call to Junk King Chattanooga can help clear out your basement and get it ready for finishing.

Plan For a Junk Free Holiday Season

To pull off a successful holiday season requires a lot of careful planning. First, there are all the family schedules to coordinate. That includes all the activities of the kids and any out of town visitors. There are also menus to plan as well as baking schedules for all those terrific traditional treats. Of course, the main issue with the holidays is the shopping. It is rare to get everything done at one store. Again, lots of planning. One other element you need to factor in is getting your house in order and that means getting rid of the junk before the holiday season. That is where hiring Junk King Chattanooga can be a huge benefit.


As you take down Halloween decorations and put up the other holiday decorations, you might notice a few items that could be removed from your home. Whether that is rubbish in the yard or a sofa down in the basement, Junk King is the crew that can handle that chore.

Every junk removal session that is set up by Junk King Chattanooga will be staffed by at least two very strong movers. On some jobs, you might even get three movers. It doesn’t matter to Junk King if you’re moving a little or a lot; you’ll still get a team with every session. That just makes things go a lot smoother.

You can plan your junk removal session around your schedule. All that Junk King asks is that you pick a day and a two-hour window for the session. Those two hours gives the crews plenty of time to get from one home to the next. Of course, if you schedule for the first pick up of the day, you won’t have to wait that long. Once the crew does arrive, you’ll be amazed at how quickly they can clear all kinds of junk.

Included in Junk King Chattanooga’s service is also all the disposal. This is where more planning come into play but not for you. The Junk King crews are going to sort through everything they collect and pull out those things that can be donated or recycled. Those items will be dropped off at the appropriate facility. This is how Junk King does things. Before your holiday starts, plan for a junk removal session with Junk King Chattanooga. You’ll be glad you did.

Don’t Let Your House Become Haunted With Junk

The plot of many horror movies involves houses that are haunted. It’s a simple idea and one that always manages to scare up a lot of interest with fans of the genre. A typical Hollywood haunted house involves spider webs, creaky doors, dusty furniture and things that go bump in the night. You can just look at a house and know that it’s haunted. Would that be something that is happening around your house? Does your house look haunted because of all the junk that’s laying around? That might work great for Halloween but it certainly isn’t something you want to keep around especially for the upcoming holidays. The easiest way to get rid of your junk is to bring Junk King Chattanooga out to your property.


It makes sense to keep things in storage around your yard. If there is an area behind your garage, next to your house or under the porch, then why not put things there like lumber, auto parts, construction waste, scrap metal or other debris you can toss out. The problem is the longer those items stay piled up the greater the risk of them becoming a hazard. The crew from Junk King can quickly pick up those positive rubbish regardless of how grimy or rusty they might be. There also not afraid of bugs that would be underneath those debris piles. All they are focused on is getting that stuff onto the truck as quickly as possible. The inside of your house might also be haunted by clutter. When Junk King is finished clearing your yards, they can turn their attention to the inside of your house. It will be easy for them to carry out furniture, appliances, electronics and any other unwanted items you want to get rid of. This is a crew that likes to work fast. In fact, it might take you longer to decide what you want to get rid of than it does for Junk King the loaded onto the truck.

Every item that’s collected by Junk King has that potential of being recycled. It doesn’t matter what kind of shape it’s in or if it can be used again. The junk King crews have been trained to pick out all those things that could be dropped off at a charity or at a recycling center. One call to Junk King Chattanooga makes sure your house will never be haunted by junk again!

Junk King Chattanooga Customers Upload Positive Reviews

Every company should ask each of their customers a simple question, “how are we doing?” That’s what the professional junk haulers from Junk King Chattanooga asked their customers. Here are some of their responses:


“Everything. This is my 2nd time using Junk King and I had just as good experience as I did the first time. The guys who hauled my stuff away were fast, friendly, and very professional. The price was right, and they made my project a lot easier. I will always use Junk King when I have large quantities of junk to get rid of.” – M.A., Chattanooga

When you sort through all the things you want to get rid of, you may be overwhelmed by the size of the rubbish pile. But there isn’t a pile of junk that the Junk King Chattanooga can’t remove in a timely fashion. They provide the manpower and the truck, which is all you need. What do you want to get rid of?

“I am so impressed with everything about this company! It was easy to book an appointment on line and I was followed up with immediately for details. I was contacted by the people who were coming to my house 30 minutes before they were scheduled to be here, they were on time. There were 3 workers, all friendly and helpful. I received a quote based on what they estimated it would cost after I showed them what I needed. The guys were in and out of here within 30 minutes or less. They adjusted my cost to about half of what they had estimated because my items didn’t take up as much room as they originally thought. No hassles at all!” – Carlyn V., Lookout Mountain

Cost is always a factor anytime you hire a service professional to come into your home. Junk King Chattanooga has a fair and affordable pricing policy that keeps customers coming back time and again. That policy is always based on volume and not weight. You’ll get that estimate before the work begins and as Carlyn found out, you’ll also get an honest deal if that estimate is “off.”

“Prompt, professional and get the job done efficiently.” – Diane W., Hixson

It only takes one junk removal session with Junk King Chattanooga to make you a loyal customer. Make that call today.

Best Way To Get Rid Of An Old Lawnmower And Other Junk

Anything that has been manufactured has an “expiration date.” On food items, that expiration date can be very specific. As for everything else, it really depends on how often you use an item. Consider your lawnmower. Do you remember when you first bought that machine? How many times have you mowed the lawn since then? Like a car, you can keep a lawnmower running efficiently with a little maintenance and blade sharpening. However, sooner or later it might just give out. That doesn’t mean you stop mowing your lawn. Instead, you’ll need a new mower but what about the old lawnmower? That’s where Junk King Chattanooga comes into play.


Junk King Chattanooga is a company that is dedicated to keeping homes and businesses clear of clutter. Most of the stuff that you have around your house that you want to get rid of is probably too big to fit into the trashcan. That means, it requires be loaded onto a truck and hauled away to a proper disposal facility. Technically, that can be a DIY weekend chore but why waste your time off? Junk King Chattanooga can make that old lawnmower disappear with a single phone call.

The crew working for Junk King will show up in a truck big enough to hold whatever it is you want to get rid of. That can be a push lawnmower or a rider mower. The team from Junk King will efficiently load that machine onto their truck. You could stop right there and still be ahead of the game. But as long as you have the truck and the manpower why not get the rest of your unwanted stuff cleared away in the same session? Take full advantage of this crew to also get rid of things like rusty patio furniture, bricks, construction waste and anything else that is taking up space in your yard.

You don’t have to worry about how heavy something is that you want to get rid of. That’s because Junk King is not to charge you by the pound. It all comes down to how tightly they pack up the truck with all your stuff. One flat fee covers all the costs. When you’re ready to get rid of your old lawnmower and the rest of your junk, Junk King Chattanooga will be ready to get it done.

Important Fireplace Safety Tips

The official start will might be still a few weeks away but it’s already getting cooler around Chattanooga. You may be tempted to light your first fire of the season in the fireplace. Before that happens, it’s always a good idea review some important fireplace safety tips. This is information that should be shared with anyone going to be lighting a fire in your home.


Minimize the Build Up Of Soot and Creosote

Anytime you start a fire, you’re going to release a certain amount of soot or creosote. You can minimize the amount that is the lease by using season hardwood or manufactured fireplace logs. These burn a lot cleaner than real word and provide you with the same amount of warmth. Just remember that a manufactured log burns a lot hotter than a regular wood log. That means you should only burn one at a time.

Only Burn Wood or Manufactured Logs in the Fireplace

As tempting as it might be to use the fireplace as a disposal you should never burn anything other than wood for manufactured logs. That includes things like wrapping paper or other packing material. Around Christmas time, you definitely don’t want to burn any greenery such as holly.

Avoid a Roaring Fire

Although a roaring fire might look attractive it’s not as safe as a control birth. A fire that is too hot can actually crack your chimney. This can result in some expensive repair that you probably weren’t anticipating.

Stack Fireplace Logs At The Back Of the Hearth

When you are preparing your fire, you want to stack your logs as far as back in the fireplace as possible. This will ensure that sparks and embers won’t fly out your carpet. Also, make sure that the damper is open before you light the fire. It also helps to open a window just to crack bring in more oxygen for the fire to burn more efficiently.

Don’t Ever Leave a Fire Unattended

Obviously if you are starting a fire, it is there for you to enjoy. Yes, you can walk in the other rooms and come back but you should never go to sleep with a fire blazing in the fireplace. At the end of the night, make sure it is completely extinguished.

Keep the Area Around the Fireplace Clear

A fireplace is a central feature of any room but it doesn’t mean everything needs to be close to the fire. You don’t want to position any furniture near the fire. That also holds true for any clutter like stacks of newspaper or magazines.

Getting rid of clutter like old papers or junk mail is easy. It’s the bigger items that cause a challenge. Junk King Chattanooga is up to the challenge of removing all kinds of unwanted furniture, appliances and other clutter from your home. Their crews will do all the lifting and loading for you so your back will never be put at risk. A safe home is a clutter free home. Junk King Chattanooga can help make that happen today.

Junk King Chattanooga
4308 3rd Ave.
Chattanooga, TN 37416
Hours: M-F: 8A-5P, Sa: 8A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the Chattanooga area, including:

Fort Oglethorpe
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30705, 30707, 30708, 30710, 30711, 30719, 30720, 30721, 30722, 30725, 30742, 37302, 37304, 37308, 37310, 37311, 37312, 37313, 37315, 37320, 37321, 37323, 37327, 37351, 37364, 37401, 37402, 37403, 37404, 37405, 37406, 37407, 37408, 37409, 37410, 37411, 37412, 37414, 37415, 37416, 37419, 37421, 37422, 37424, 37450