Junk King Chattanooga

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Tag Archives: Chattanooga Air Conditioner Disposal

Chattanooga Air Conditioner Disposal

Left to our own devices, we’d have garbage piled up on the curbs. Our rivers, streams and lakes would be a muddy mess and we wouldn’t be able to breathe fresh air. All of those things can be solved when our local government plays an active role in keeping things clean. Here in Chattanooga we have an Office of Sustainability. Never heard of that? You might not be alone in that regard but this is a government agency that is actually doing a lot of good for all the residents. Here is their official mission statement:

“The Office of Sustainability is responsible for guiding Chattanooga toward a sustainable economy, environment, and community. We call this the city’s triple bottom line. We approach our mission by developing the physical resources of the city, working with businesses who want to become sustainable enterprises, and promoting projects that save our taxpayers money. Since 2009, we have been collecting data, setting goals, and making recommendations for the City of Chattanooga and the region. The mission of the City of Chattanooga Office of Sustainability is to be a catalyst for innovation and sustainable decisions and actions within the City of Chattanooga government, Chattanooga communities, and the region.”

Very noble goals indeed. So how are they doing? A rundown of their “to-do” list finds that 350 Smart Street Lights have been installed. They’ve got about 25,000 more to go to complete this project. There have been 45 city wide energy audits conducted to see how things can be improved. Additionally, there have been 100 bike stations put up around the town to encourage more bike riders. Most importantly, this office has taken at least 59 suggestions for the residents and put them into action with regard to sustainability and energy savings.

Clearly, they are doing their part to keep Chattanooga clean and energy efficient. How about your own efforts? Are you doing your part? One of things everyone can do is to make sure their own energy use isn’t wasted. That would occur if we are using appliances that aren’t EnergyStar rated. In these dog days of summer, the one appliance that is getting a complete workout is the air conditioner. Is your AC ready for the junk heap? You can swap out your old model for a new design that could lower your monthly electric bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

The other side of that issue is to make sure your old air conditioner or any other type of large appliance is properly disposed of. You’ll be able to get that job done when you hire Junk King Chattanooga. Those are the professional junk haulers based here in Chattanooga who specialize in the removal of bulky items but they go a step further and make sure those items are handle the right way. This often means dropping off at one of the many recycling centers located around town. Get right with your appliances and make sure Junk King gets rid of them properly.

Junk King Chattanooga
4308 3rd Ave.
Chattanooga, TN 37416
Hours: M-F: 8A-5P, Sa: 8A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the Chattanooga area, including:

Fort Oglethorpe
and these nearby zip codes:
30705, 30707, 30708, 30710, 30711, 30719, 30720, 30721, 30722, 30725, 30742, 37302, 37304, 37308, 37310, 37311, 37312, 37313, 37315, 37320, 37321, 37323, 37327, 37351, 37364, 37401, 37402, 37403, 37404, 37405, 37406, 37407, 37408, 37409, 37410, 37411, 37412, 37414, 37415, 37416, 37419, 37421, 37422, 37424, 37450