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Tag Archives: e-waste removal

Chattanooga Old Television Disposal – Upgrade to HDTV!

Folks who care about their electronic gadgets are always on the look-out for the “next generation.”  Just look at the long lines that crop up whenever Apple announces that they are selling a new “thing.” Doesn’t matter if it’s an iPhone, iPod or iPad; they are all guaranteed to sell out within hours. Next generation excitement also comes into play with video game consoles. Check out the next time Xbox or PlayStation has a new version of their game systems and you’ll see folks camping over night at your local Chattanooga shopping mall parking lots. When it comes to televisions, we’re already in the throes of the next generation – it’s called HDTV.
For a long time there really wasn’t much happening in the world of television deign. Sure, we all got remote controls, but for many years that was the only innovation. Then along came the plasma television screens. This provided a thin screen that could be hung on wall like a painting and a much sharper picture. Since the television screen improved, it was time to upgrade the images that were being broadcast. Enter high definition television or HDTV. With this new technology, you are getting more data transmitted to your Chattanooga home and into your television, thanks to advances in fiber optic cables and satellite signals. All of this simply means that if you enjoy watching television you should enjoy watching it on the best deliver system.
Take a walk through an electronics store like Best Buy and you’ll see all the latest models of HDTV plasma televisions on display and at reasonable prices. Even if you spend just fifteen minutes watching those in store televisions you’ll want to go home and kick your old set right in the tube. If you do make the exciting decision to replace you old set with the next generation model then you’ll have to get rid of that clunker; the most efficient and responsible way you can do this is by calling Junk King Chattanooga, the best television disposal company in the Chattanooga area.
Technically, this would be the same kind of company you might call on to haul away most of your junk. The difference with taking away a television is that it will have to be disposed of properly. You don’t want to just chuck it into the back of a garbage truck and call it a day. Instead, it should be taken to a proper e-waste recycling center around Chattanooga. That’s where the TV can be taken apart and broken down to its core elements. Those elements can then be disposed of in the proper way so you don’t contribute to environmental problems in your local Chattanooga neighborhood.
Just because you’re tossing out an old television doesn’t mean you have to stop there. You could also have some old computer hard drives, monitors or other e-waste that could be taken away in the same trip. Junk King’s hauling crew can even take away other items like busted kitchen appliances you stuck in the garage, rusted car parts or mattresses that have seen better days. If those folks are going to show up with a truck to take away your TV there is nothing wrong with getting that truck filled up with the rest of your useless junk!
For the best in Chattanooga Television Disposal, or any sort of junk removal, simply call 1-800 995 JUNK or book a free on site estimate online..
Junk King Chattanooga
4308 3rd Ave.
Chattanooga, TN 37416
Hours: M-F: 8A-5P, Sa: 8A-3P

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