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Category Archives: Chattanooga Junk Removal

Chattanooga Computer Recycling and Disposal

Just as with the rest of the nation, Chattanooga is in the recycling business and provides opportunities for its residents to handle all their recycling needs whether that involves curbside pickup for city residents, hazardous waste removal or computer recycling. The only drawback with these Chattanooga programs is that you have to work on their schedule.

For instance, household hazardous waste collection day is held on the second Saturday of each month only. You can drop off your hazardous waste from 8 AM to 12 noon at a recycling center on N. Hawthorne. Hazardous waste is considered all those things that shouldn’t be tossed out or poured down the drain. This includes any type of corrosive liquids like rust removers or drain cleaners and anything that would be deemed toxic. Hazardous waste also applies to things like batteries and paint.

When it comes to recycling computers and other electronic waste Chattanooga provides help at the John Germ Recycling Center at Orange Grove which is on Arlington Avenue. The list of acceptable e-waste items are things like computers, cell phones, fax machines, stereos, radios, DVD and VCR players. What they won’t accept at this recycling center are televisions, microwaves, air conditioners, or large appliances. Here are the restrictions that apply to recycling your computer at this center:

“You can now take outdated computers and other small, broken household appliances and telecommunications equipment to between the hours of 9: 00 am and 2:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays ONLY. Follow 3rd Street from UTC towards Memorial Hospital until you reach Dodson Avenue (turn beside the Kentucky Fried Chicken). Turn left on Dodson Avenue and right at the 3rd building on the right. Look for John F. Germ Recycling Center on the front of the building. Go in the front door or the door on the far right side of the building. Someone will be there to direct you further.”

The big issue here is whether or not this is convenient for you. You’ll have to load up your computers and other electronic waste then make your way down to the center on a workday. With all these restrictions it might just be easier to shove the computer into the closet and forget about it. But that’s not really handling situation. Your best option is to call up Junk King Chattanooga. Junk King specializes in all types of junk removal for the home or office. The great thing about hiring Junk King is that you don’t just have to get rid of one old computer. You can take advantage of this removal session by having the Junk King Chattanooga crew take away any other garbage or junk you want to get rid of. Most often we hang onto those things we can’t toss out into the garbage like furniture or bulky kitchen appliances. They’re just taking up space in your home and that space that can be put to much better use. Recycle on your own schedule with the help of Junk King.

Chattanooga: Hoarding How to Get Rid of Junk

When it comes to the clutter in your own home, how close are you to becoming a full-blown hoarder? We all have things we like to hang onto. You need look no further than a closet crammed full of clothes we no longer wear or a garage stuffed to the rafters with all sorts of boxes of junk for proof of this. What makes a true hoarder is someone who develops an emotional attachment to that junk.

A hoarder can’t let go of things because of some intrinsic psychological burden that compels them to hang onto it. We’re not talking about things like neon beer signs or furniture made from driftwood that looks tacky. That’s really a matter of taste. To be classified as a hoarder it means you are essentially not letting go of anything. This is often diagnosed as a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD. When hoarding has reached extreme levels it might be time to bring in qualified psychological or psychiatric help.

Which brings us back to the issue of your own junk collection. Are you ready to get rid of it? If so then you should consider hiring a professional junk hauler like Junk King Chattanooga who will have the right amount of manpower and available trunk space to take away any amount of junk. It might sound harsh to accuse someone who has a lot of junk in their home of being lazy. It’s easy to ask, “Why don’t they just throw it all out?” The answer that question could come down to a matter of practicality.

Someone who lives by themselves might not have the ability to get rid of big items like old furniture or rusted car parts. Instead, they pile up in backyards, porches and driveways. Most of those big items where probably brought into the by means of a delivery truck. It stands to reason that that would be the only way to get rid of them. That is why calling the professional haulers can accomplish that task.

The other issue with this kind “hoarding” is what it might do to property values. You might be perfectly happy to put an old refrigerator or worn out sofa on your porch but if it gives the appearance of junk then your neighbors might not appreciate what that could do with their own property values. Yes, you are well within your rights to do whatever you want on your own front porch but you’re only causing a disservice to yourself by hanging onto those big bulky items. Suppose you need to assess your home? Wouldn’t you want it to have the highest value possible? Appearances do matter!

The moment you clear your house of all that junk you’ll be able to reclaim some valuable space that might have been lost over the years. Even having an empty closet can mean a lot when you need to store those valuable items you want to keep as opposed to all the trash you’re willing to let go. Don’t cross the line to become hoarder when it’s so easy to get rid of your junk.

Declutter Your Chattanooga Home

Do you dread coming home at the end of every workday? Not because of who you might be living with but because of the mess that you are surrounded by. You’re not alone. Many folks find that with a busy schedule it’s all they can do to get dinner on the table and attend to the needs of their family before collapsing in bed at the end of a busy day. This is when things like decluttering your home go right out the window! If you’re frustrated with the amount of clutter you’re surrounded by here are some helpful hints towards changing that situation and creating a clutter free living environment.
The first thing you need to accept is the fact that a lot of this clutter is going to end up being junk you can throw away. If you schedule an appointment with Junk King Chattanooga to send one of their crews out to your home then you will have a specific target date in mind when it comes to getting rid of all that junk. For instance, if you make the appointment with Junk King for the following Saturday then this weekend will be the perfect time for you to decide which junk items you’re going to throw out.
Setting a deadline that you have to adhere to is a great way to jumpstart your decluttering. What you don’t want to get into is a situation where you’re simply moving your junk from one room to another. That might work if you have company coming over but ultimately it’s just going to end up bogging you down even more. Again it goes back to this issue of accepting that you’ll be throwing this junk out.
With regard to determining whether or not you should throw something out, you need to think in terms of practicality or sentimentality. Nobody would ask you to get rid of something that holds sentimental value but could you make that claim for an old sofa or mattress? What about a computer you no longer use? Is that really sentimental? Over the years you might have found that storing items in boxes is a way to keep your junk organized. While that may be true in certain circumstances you have to ask yourself how many boxes you now have full of stuff you haven’t sorted through? Are you being overrun by boxes? Here’s where the Junk King crew can also be of service. Not only will they be able to move those large bulky items but they can pretty much take away anything you wanted to whether it’s boxed up or just gathered in a pile.
The moment your home has become decluttered it won’t take much effort to keep it that way. Just get in the habit of asking yourself “why am I keeping this?” Unless you have a good answer that item whatever it is needs to be thrown out.

Chattanooga Water Heater Disposal

If there is one thing that is predictable about the weather around Chattanooga is that it is unpredictable! Recent temperatures have made it feel more like the fall as opposed to winter. But that doesn’t mean that a winter storm won’t come raging into Chattanooga requiring everyone to bundle up to stay warm. Before that happens, it might be a good idea to check out your home’s water heater to make sure it can withstand the pounding from another long stretch of winter.
Recently, Bob Rayburn, the sales manager at Chattanooga Heating and Air Conditioning told Nooga.com that he recommends folks get that water heater check-up maintenance performed before the cold weather hits. He also had some tips for energy savings. “Most of the time, we tell (people) to set (thermostats) to 68,” Rayburn said. “But don’t cut it way down. It will just take too long to heat back up. That’s why people’s bills go up so much if they are monkeying around with their thermostats too much.”
As for the water heater, Rayburn suggests wrapping the water heater with insulation to protect it from harsh drops in temperature and make sure the heat doesn’t escape. However, no amount of insulation can help a water heater that has seen better days. When it’s time for a replacement, you should consider contracting with Junk King of Chattanooga to handle the removal of that old water heater and make room for the new model.
An old water heater is not something you can stuff into your garbage can for the weekly pick up. First of all, good luck carrying that out of the basement! More to the point, that old water heater needs to be disposed of properly. This could mean sending it off to a scrap metal yard as opposed to a landfill. But you really don’t have to fret over those types of decisions once you’ve brought Junk King into the picture. They’ll know just how to handle the disposal process. Here’s another thing to think about: What else can you get rid of in this same trip? In other words, just because the Chattanooga crew Junk King is getting rid of your old water heater doesn’t mean they can’t get rid of all your other junk.
What’s collecting dust in your attic or garage? Are there auto parts from a long abandoned restoration job? A busted piano that nobody is ever going to play again? Wood scraps from a remodel project? You’ve probably been hanging onto this kind of junk for the same reason why you can’t throw out your water heater: It’s too big! You can depend on the Junk King crew to show up with the right size truck which means that nothing will be too big to haul away. They’ll also have the right amount of man power to accomplish the task at hand. The only finger you’ll be lifting is to make the call to Junk King Chattanooga.

Chattanooga Christmas Tree Disposal

The centerpiece of home holiday decorations has got to be the Christmas tree. In many ways your Christmas tree is kind of a tribute to your own family’s history. Quite often there’s a whole range of ornaments that have been created by the kids over the years that now have become treasured heirlooms. Your approach to Christmas tree decorating also says a lot about your own personality. In other words, are you a “throw everything at it and see what sticks” kind of a person or are you more of an organized monochromatic type of person? Either way when it comes to Christmas tree decorating you just can’t go wrong!
For those who embrace the “Burl Ives method” of Christmas tree decorating you might opt for merely silver and gold ornaments. Going in this direction will certainly give you a lot of opportunities to pick from all kinds of garlands, Christmas balls and other types of ornaments that coordinate with that particular color theme. There are other bold color choices for Christmas tree themes such as going all red, all blue or even the extreme all pink.
With a more colorful approach, you can decorate your Christmas tree with a blaze of multi-colored twinkling lights and a vast array of ornaments. Keep in mind that you can still have a theme going with those ornaments. In fact, if you were to do some shopping on eBay you could come up with enough ornaments to have an all Star Wars or Star Trek or Disney type of Christmas tree. Nothing says Christmas like Darth Vader hanging from the branches!
Christmas tree purists will hold their nose at the very thought of bringing an artificial Christmas tree into the home. For them it’s fresh evergreen all the way! The key with picking out the best Christmas tree for your home is to make sure you get the size right. What looks small at the Christmas tree lot could actually prove to be enormous once you get inside your living room. This will then require a lot of slicing and dicing that you really shouldn’t do in the first place! All it takes is a simple floor-to-ceiling measure to ensure you get the right tree.
Once your tree is in place you need to make sure you have access to the base so that you can water your live Christmas tree properly. There was a time when this meant getting down on your hands and knees every day and performing gymnastics move the under the tree and at the base. Now there is an extended funnel that you can buy at every Christmas tree lot that will help you water your tree without bending your back!
When the holidays are over and you’re ready to get rid of that tree make sure you schedule an appointment with a professional Chattanooga Christmas tree disposal company like Junk King Chattanooga. They can come by and make sure that your Christmas tree isn’t lingering on the curb for too long. They’ll also be able to take away any other junk that has been created over the holidays. It’s the best way to start the New Year!

Chattanooga Office Cleanout for the Holidays

Wrapping up the business year isn’t just about planning for the office Christmas party (although that’s very important!). It also means putting certain things in order in anticipation of the coming year. This could mean everything from employee reviews, to handing out year-end bonuses to reassessing the company’s future. One item that should be on the top of any Chattanooga office’s end of year to-do list is to complete a top to bottom office cleanout. While some employees might balk at this, the truth is whatever clutter or mess that is lurking in an office was created by them so they should have a hand in cleaning that up. However, they don’t have to do that alone. Savvy office managers have turned to hiring experienced Chattanooga office cleanout crews like Junk King to come in and get the business in shape.
Just as it is with your home, things in an office have a tendency to pile up. The difference is that in your home you can account for every item that is stuffed away in a closet or basement. In an office, you might discover some unused equipment or furniture that is taking up valuable space but you have no idea where they came from. The natural instinct is not to rock the boat. If there is something sitting in a storage area or abandoned cubicle it must be there for a reason. Were you to ask around you might just find that the reason is nobody wants to accept responsibility for throwing something away. The result is a lot of office junk that should be disposed of.
This same principle of clearing out the clutter can also apply to company files. While it is true that many files need to be held onto, it’s amazing what a file review can uncover. Are there duplicate files? Are the same files being kept in boxes uploaded onto the company hard drives? Just how much office space can you reclaim if you were to toss out all that junk?
Usually, any office has a maintenance crew that is part of the building staff. But just because there is a crew on call to fix the plumbing or AC doesn’t mean that same crew is going to help take out the junk. That’s why hiring a professional crew of office cleanout experts like Junk King Chattanooga can get the job done without a flurry of memos flying back and forth. If you are stepping up to manage this disposal project you just need to identify what has to be taken away and schedule the appointment with the junk haulers. They’ll handle all the rest. If you don’t want to disrupt the work day, you can schedule the removal project for a weekend or after office hours. That’s another benefit of hiring professional junk haulers: they are going to work with your schedule. Once all the junk is cleared out of the office, you can focus on more important things like who is going to DJ that Christmas party?!

For the best in office cleanout, or any other residential junk removal services, simply call 1-888-888-JUNK or book a free on site estimate online.

Alternatives to Chattanooga Dumpster Rentals – Avoid the Bears

Bear sightings are on the rise around the Chattanooga area. That’s one headline that might seem quaint to outsiders but for anyone who has had a bear show up in their backyard it can be a very frightening experience. Forget the cutesy Youtube videos of bears dipping into a pool for soak. The only reason a bear would come down from its natural habitat is to search for food. That’s why you have to make sure you keep the potential food supplies secure. This means putting up bird feeders in the winter and locking down your garbage. Even those steps might not be enough to keep the bears at bay. And you certainly don’t want a dumpster of trash sitting on your property. That’s like a buffet to bears!
Renting a dumpster might seem like a pretty good idea if you’ve got a lot of trash you want to throw out. Maybe you’re having a big party and know there will just be too much garbage for your weekly trash pickup. Perhaps you’re doing a little demolition work around the house in preparation for a remodeling job. Or it could be that you’re finally getting around to cleaning all the clutter out of your garage, basement or attic. Whatever the reason for building up a pile of junk, your best choice it to get rid of it on the same day you create it! That would mean hiring an experience team of local junk haulers like Junk King Chattanooga to handle the job.
If you’re creating enough trash to fill up a dumpster then you already know this isn’t going to be a job that is going to drag on for days. Dumpster rentals are typically for a weekend of a couple of days. That has less to do with your needs and more about the minimum requirements of the dumpster rental company. The longer you have that dumpster sitting around your property the greater the chances become of it attracting some undesirable elements like bears, raccoons or other critters looking for a snack. Sure you can put a lock on the dumpster but that’s not going to lock out the smells and that’s all it will take to draw those animals in.
On the other hand, if you create a pile of junk with a big clean up, why not have a team of junk haulers standing by for a pickup at the end of the day. Working with a deadline is a great motivator. If you know Junk King will be showing up at 4 then you can spring into action and create the piles of clutter for them to remove. By the end of your day, your home will be clean and there will be no trace of all that junk. Best of all, there is no chance of a bear wandering down sniffing for food. Of course, if you have that inviting swimming pool that might just be to cool to pass up for a bear!

5 Ways To Improve Your Home Décor Chattanooga

Envy is not a good quality to have but in certain circumstances it can be a positive motivator. If you go to a friend’s Chattanooga home to admire how they have decorated things you might be hit with a feeling of envy. But you can turn those feelings into the perfect excuse for giving your own home décor a make-over. The following tips offer up a great way to improve your Chattanooga home décor:
Time To Paint Those Walls: When was the last time you painted the walls in your home? If that answer is “never” then you are long overdue. You can certainly add a lot of flair and personality by picking colors for your walls beyond plain white. For instance, selecting a shade of blue can provide a more relaxing vide to a room while a dark red color provides a warm glow. What do you want to surround yourself with? The options are endless and can be a lot of fun to consider!
Go Slip Covers: There was a time when slip covers for sofas and chairs meant plastic. The goal was to protect the furniture as opposed to worry about how tacky it looked. Today, you can use cloth slip covers to create an entirely new look for your room. Instead of replacing a comfortable sofa, just swap out the slip covers to match the mood of the season.
Think Accessories: As you look in on your living room or bedroom you might think, “Something is missing.” What’s missing could be a simple accent like a decorative lamp on an end table. The holidays are also a perfect excuse to add accents throughout a room. You can even add more photos of the family or memorable occasions to the room. These don’t have to be hanging on the wall but can be in quaint frames sitting on the mantle or coffee table. These types of personal accessories can also reveal a lot about your personality and even provide a smile every time you walk past them. Sofa pillows would also fit into this category and are a perfect accent to any room with a couch.
Consider the Floors: While most of the attention in a room goes towards the walls and furnishings, the floor choices also play an important role in the feel of a room. If you’ve been living with wall to wall carpeting it might be time to make the switch to hardwood floor. You might just be amazed at how cost efficient it is to install laminated flooring. It’s also a lot easier to keep clean.
Clear Out the Clutter: Before you start any home décor improvement project you should start with a “clean slate.” This means making sure all your junk and clutter is removed from your home. You can easily get this done when you hire an experienced junk removal team like Junk King Chattanooga to show up and take away your junk with one service call. Once that has been accomplished you can start your decorating in earnest.

Help Make Chattanooga ‘The Best Town Ever’ by Picking up Your Trash!

Outside Magazine recently conducted a Facebook poll to find the “Best Town Ever.” Hands down, Chattanooga broke from the pack and took a major lead in the polling. “The winner won’t be announced until the October issue of Outside magazine hits the newsstands,” Jada Williams, the magazine’s publicist, said. Beyond the prize of bragging rights, the winning city will be prominently featured on the cover of Outside Magazine and have a dedicated segment on Outside Television. According to contest rules: “The winning town will be determined through a combination of total votes, overall support as a result of content such as photos and testimonials submitted, and creativity.”
It’s clear from these results that the folks living in Chattanooga have great pride in their city. Along with that pride comes a certain level of hard work. You can’t just sit back and take pride in your city; you need to work to make it great. That is why so many Chattanooga residents like to spend time sprucing up their yards and maintaining their lawns. This has proven to be a challenge with the recent wave of storms and flooding that has battered the region. As those waters receded, Chattanoogans rolled up their sleeves and started the clean-up.
There is no telling what a storm will dump in your yard. Often this refuse is too big to handle. That’s when you should be calling upon the services of a professional crew of junk haulers like Junk King Chattanooga to take away your large trash piles. By professional, we mean a business who is dedicated to keeping Chattanooga clean.
Here’s how this works: You’ve got piles of trash that can’t fit into your garbage can. What are your options? You would spend hours breaking up your one big pile into a bunch of little piles and then patiently wait to have them carted off week after week after week by your friendly city garbage collectors. While that happens, you’re still staring at the garbage. You could load up all that garbage into the back of your SUV, truck or family minivan and then drive around in search of a dump. That’s not anybody’s idea of a fun weekend. Not to mention what kind of damage you could inflict on your car.
Hiring Junk King’s professional moving crew  in Chattanooga means they will have the big truck and the muscle to pick up and take away your trash. Naturally, you don’t have to just concern yourself with what might have been dumped in your yard from the storms. You could call on these junk haulers to help you clear out your garage or basement of all the unwanted stuff you’ve collected over the years. This is the perfect project to make room in your home for guests. After all, once the word gets out about Chattanooga being the “Best Town Ever” you’re going to get a lot of calls from friends and family who want to see for themselves!

Chattanooga Residential Junk Removal

Here’s a fun project for a Saturday afternoon in Chattanooga. Gather the family together and pass out stacks of Post-its to play, “We should get rid of this someday.” Now have everyone race through the house and slap a Post-it on any item that is either busted, worthless or no longer being used. Give then 15 minutes. The family member who can identify the most items can win a prize! After the big race, do your own tour of the home just to see what everyone else considers to be junk. You might be surprised at the amazing amount of things that could be cleared from your home. Now that you have all of those items identified, it will only take the services of a locally based Chattanooga residential junk removal company to come by with their truck and take it all away.  That company is Junk King Chattanooga.

So, what’s the result? Will you find Post-its on old furniture that nobody wants to sit on anymore? Will there be boxes of clothes that nobody would wear? What about old school books, magazines or newspaper? Of course you don’t have to limit the search just to the inside of your home. You could expand the playing field to include garages, backyards and storage sheds. Then imagine what you could find! Rusted lawnmowers that will never work again, tires, or even car parts that won’t fit in any car could all be laying in wait.  Suddenly what started out as simple experiment has turned into a major find of useless junk.
Maybe you don’t have to go through such elaborate methods to identify all your junk. But it is a safe bet that merely walking around your home on a normal day probably has you flashing on several items and saying to yourself, “I’ve got to get rid of that someday.” Well, that day has come!
When you call up a professional Chattannooga junk removal company, they can accomplish in a few hours a total removal of all your unwanted stuff. Yes, all of this junk had a purpose at one point or else you wouldn’t have brought it into your home in the first place. But time takes its toll on everything and if it is time to say good-bye to that junk then so be it. The Junk King hauling crew you’ll be inviting into your home will be bonded and licensed. After all, you just don’t want to invite anyone into your house. Once you explain what needs to be done to the team supervisor, you can sit back, relax and watch all that junk fly out of the door.
After the job is complete, you might just be surprised by all the new space you’ve reclaimed. Some folks have managed to take back entire rooms from the “junk monster!”  Don’t wait another weekend to get rid of your trash!
Simply call 1-800 995 JUNK or book an free on site estimate online with Junk King Chattanooga.
Junk King Chattanooga
4308 3rd Ave.
Chattanooga, TN 37416
Hours: M-F: 8A-5P, Sa: 8A-3P

Providing junk removal services to the Chattanooga area, including:

Fort Oglethorpe
and these nearby zip codes:
30705, 30707, 30708, 30710, 30711, 30719, 30720, 30721, 30722, 30725, 30742, 37302, 37304, 37308, 37310, 37311, 37312, 37313, 37315, 37320, 37321, 37323, 37327, 37351, 37364, 37401, 37402, 37403, 37404, 37405, 37406, 37407, 37408, 37409, 37410, 37411, 37412, 37414, 37415, 37416, 37419, 37421, 37422, 37424, 37450